is music theory necessary for songwriting?

is music theory necessary for songwriting?

1 There is no answer to this music theory that may not guarantee you the formula of a hit song. it’s more to do with the idea of what connects with your audience. You need to make sure that your audience loves your music.

2 There are benefits in music theory as a beginner in songwriting it can help you with the steps of true songwriting which many people in this generation say has been lost. Many people argue that someone who learns music theory will differ from someone who didn’t feel like they are a better writer.

3 Which one should you pick? try and see what work for you music theory could be the best thing ever because you do learn about the basic of making music theory that could skyrocket your music to a whole other level.

4 Music is within when you’re writing a song there are no instructions that can help you write it many of these successful did not learn music theory or even ever attended a music class. Michael Jackson,  Billy Joel, wrote from inspiration.

5 If you’re a songwriter that is producing or playing an instrument then music theory could be really helpful.

6 When it comes to making music what’s important is making sure that it stands out among the crowd music theory can be helpful if you’re going through hard times coming up with rhymes.


There are so many ways to improve your musical ability you can collaborate with another songwriter on our website, you can be as creative as you want

8 Study other songwriters on Youtube This Beyonce, Cardi B songwriter started out making beats in her dorm room – YouTube

9 BLOG – Nicola Milan Music – Nicola Milan This songwriter can help you improve your music in many different ways that can take it to a whole other level.

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