Why people are scared to invest in themselves?

Why people are scared to invest in themselves?

Why people are scared to invest in themselves .The risk that comes with investing.Has it’s own problems.Because nobody is coming to save you if  it fails you.They are some people that lucky.That would help them out.If they loose especially.Alot of money.However , for the majority if they loose it that  can be very detrimental for their life.And can affect when it comes to their basic needs.The risk that comes with it .Can cause anxiety and that why you have to put be able not just able to take the failure financially emotionally mentally if it happens.If it happens you have to make sure that you can handle that.

Furthemore , if you have responsibility it can be really scary to invest in youreself .There is also a lot of failure that can happen.People have to talk about that more.If you don’t see success from it what happens.Do you try other things to see if they can work too.People have been fed this idea that anything is possible if you can put the effort and the hard work in.There is a lot of misinformation out there .And it can make other people believe that .Because it worked for this person.That it can also work for them.

If it fails especially if you go ahead and tell everyone.It can make you feel embarrassing because maybe you were excited to tell everyone.People ,like to ask people for advice just either hear their opinion.Especially if they are experts on it.it can be embarrassing because maybe they had negative views about what you were trying to do.And now it’s almost like you’ve proven them right.And people are always trying to prove people wrong.And not right.When you’re trying to invest in something new .You want to make sure that especially if tell other people that do support what you’re doing.Make them proud.

Why people are scared to invest in themselves?

People also don’t come from families that encourage people to take risks.They are people come from a generation of people that didn’t invest.If they didn’t see it in their family.Families that have invested themselves successfully would encourage other people in their family to do it too.Parents are a big influence in their children.If their parents didn’t invest because of fear of failure.Failure can make other people who don’t have a lot of money.Not invest in themselves because if it’s too possible they definitely will not do it.Failure may have happened often in their lives.So they don’t see the need to invest in themselves.


People who are wealthy will never be scared to invest in themselves for many different reasons.The failures aren’t a problem for them.Because they have a lot of money.People that have money recklessly invest because they can afford to fail.It won’t impact personally financially emotionally mentally.It’s a green light for them.Rich people will give advice when it comes to investing like everyone can.Is just the small amount of the population that is able to.Some people . Don’t want to.They are confortable in just the way they are.When it comes to their way of spending their money.

And they are some people that don’t understand what investing means.Investing is used on Twitter a lot .People that think know finance will advise people to invest their money into stocks , real estate , businesses.They say that when you have acquired wealth of course.And not really when you’re still on the grinding stage.Grinding stage means that you would have to make sure that you’re completely safe of investing.And you can afford to loose money.And if you feel like the advice that you get on investing is good then it would be you’re choice to take it or not .Because they are so many risks that come with it.


Songwriters that are looking to become successful singers.May have to invest in a good vocal coach that can help their singing ability.Before even thinking about marketing themselves to the world.Because you want to make sure that when you’re singing live.You’re singing it well.Because people have invested their money to watch perform one of their favourite songs.Vocal coaches are essential when it comes to developing great singers.People just assume that people have these singing gifts .And are just able to sing.However , that not the truth.They were people behind the scenes that played a part in developing a good voice.

Making money isn’t the goal for everyone.People want to be able to live comfortably were they can pay their bills.And go on vacation here and there.And not stress about money.Money has been a discussion for a long time.However in recent times there has been more of a discussion .Thanks to twitter they are people who create a following of twitting about about investing in stocks.They have made a career of telling people on what to invest.They create seminars.And it can be expensive.You have to make sure that you have money.Nowadays people have access to social media.

Why people are scared to invest in themselves?

Songwriters may need to invest in a good studio and a good producer.That is the reality for most songwriters.Nothing is free in the music industry.Producers are an important quality in you’re life.Because if they don’t make good beats.Beats are important investment for a songwriters career.If you don’t write good lyrics.However but have a good beat.It will be way better than having both.Both things are good because you can make a whole of different in you’re music.Especially if you have been buying beats online.Which there is nothing wrong with that.Lil nas bought a beat from beats stars .And became succesfful of it.

Lil nas success was very different among generations.People have had to invest in good producers.To get good quality songs.However , in this digital age.You might be likely.And make a song. That can make the billboards.Songwriters should also think about investing in marketing . And it doesn’t mean huge marketing budgets .You can start of with something small. Like facebook ads you can do 20 or 30 in whatever currency you live in days to last you’re promotion of you’reself.Relying on going viral.Does not help in 2024 for so many different reasons.Marketing can help you figure out ways that can expand you’re reach beyond.

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