Why it’s hard to be a successful songwriter?

Why it’s hard to be a successful songwriter?

Labels are looking for Tik tok music that can become successful.They are not thinking about the long term when it comes to these musicians.Tik tok music is just a viral moment.It doesn’t guarantee a career.When you release an album that when you will see . Musicians that have viral moment on Tik tok when they release their album.They don’t sell enough in the first week.Music also is not respected as it used to.It lost it’s value.Mainly because it became too accessible . It gave people who have no musical talent an opportunity just because they can make catchy music.

Catchy music in 2023.Young people love because they can do dances.And if it goes viral it helps their Tik tok following.Back in the 90s it wasn’t about Tik tok.You had to be consistence making music that were good on a consistent music.Sometimes they will have 100s of songs that they havent released.Cause the label picks what makes sense.Making music has changed .Technology has evolved.Technology hurt the music industry when it comes to making real authentic real music.However , it has given opportunities for people all over the world to become successful writers.Nija charles was discovered on Instagram.

Youtube , Tik tok , Soundcloud has helped the music industry. However , the negative side is musicians chasing virality.Which could affect songwriters jobs.Songwriters job is competitive they have to be motivated to keep writing and making songs that are good.The skill to make good music all the time.Only a few writers will benefit. People think the minute they get a hit as a writer they are set.That not how it works.There has to be a catalog of songs written that have done well.Successful writers have to go though hardships.Before they can get themselves on their feet with making songs as a career.

Songwriters don’t have a stable job.They have to keep relying on royalties .That can take a long time before they even receive a payment. They need full time jobs that can pay them to survive.Ester dean revealed it took 7 years for her to quit the job that she was working for.That may be the case for everyone else.Some people are lucky and it’s earlier.And other people it’s way later.If you have someone that guide through the business side of the music industry.And isn’t taking advantage.It can help especially for musicians who don’t the industry.

Social media has given opportuntiy to see everybody life.Writers see other writers becoming successful.And they become envious.Furthemore, it can make you feel like you aren’t doing enough in life.Writers don’t even know how to put themselves out there.Most writers put their music out on Youtube and other streaming platform .And hope that it catches traction.While doing no promotion and marketing themselves.Writers when they are starting out have to operate like a business if they want success.They constantly have to promote the same song over again . They also have to be active on social media for opportunities.A&r are using social media to find talent.They may find you.

The music industry has it’s own politics.When comes to giving people credit.Musicians may take more then they should.Musicians have ghost writers. Marketing is important . Making yourself seem like you write all of the songs on the album.Will make you appear better . However , the music industry is a business. They have to keep making themselves look good their supporters.If you’re a musician who can’t sing marketing yourself as a songwriter on all of the hit songs. Can help people take you seriously as an artist.If you can sing. Writers are normally used for good singers.They will use writers that know how to make classic music that is long term.

The most successful songwriters will take break from writing.Because they are not feeling inspired.They want to make music that speaks well to their audience.They don’t want to make mediocre music.Writers block is inevitable.Having a clear mind can help in writing better songs.However , it doesn’t gurantee that you can make good music again.Sometimes you realise the talent you once had you don’t have it anymore.One hit wonders happens if you’re chasing viral music.Making music that can speak to people 20 years later should the goal.The music industry needs to go back to that.

Musicians also don’t have the type of engine musicians use to have.The engine that will help them consistently make good music.Also helping them promote their music.That can translate into a successful career.If a writer works with a musician that is a one hit wonder is a waste of time.If a musicians has to solely rely on writers and producers to create magic for her.And she doesn’t have a good ear for music.It’s a bad business partnership for the writer and producer.Because many musicians have no musical talent . It makes it difficult for writers to have a stable monthly income.Because they music industry doesn’t have structure.

The chorus is one of the most important part of a song.Writers should be focusing on writing the best chorus ever.This needs more of a discusssion.Instead of spending time writing a verse.Chorus should be spent as much as you need.Some people can write a good chorus in a few minutes . Spice girls if you wanna be my lover was written in 15 minutes.Writers need to have many choruses written so that when they start writing the verse .They won’t have to stress out as much.That when the writers block can appear.If not making good choruses.

Lack of collaboration.Many writers have written songs with other writers.They can really help when it comes to ideas .The competitive nature of the music industry can sometimes make it hard . Collaborating especially with the same writers can help when it comes to making good music.Missy elliot and timbaland worked togther and it worked for them.Writer should find writers that mach their musical talent.It can be the cheat code in helping you making songs that are hits.Writers are using Tik Tok which they can use if they want.However , when making the song it should be a song that will be remebered down the line.

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