Why going viral is a curse?

Why going viral is a curse?

There are so many people that have gone viral for different things inventions , singing,dancing,Good business innovations etcc.In this moders era of going viral Social media has a lot of power in it because it can circulate all over the world.There is no limit once it goes viral that is it.The sky is the limit.There are many reasons as to how people are able to go viral .If they are a singer or a rapper .Going viral on Tik tok for their catchy music is very possible.If it reflects with the rest of the young people.

Rappers and singers are always looking for that one song that will put them in the spotlight.It’s a very hard job to do.To find a way to get attention from the world on you’re one song.There are so many Musicians out there that are trying to make it.And are finding it difficult because they don’t have a team behind them . Some people going viral for them means that they can find a way to establish themselves in the music industry.And then they are some people that don’t want this to be a career for them.But are actually looking for a to make quick money.

If you want to establish you’reself as a musician going viral could be  acurse because.There is pressure to release a better song then the other.That why you see many professional and establish singers.They have a lot of songwriters writing 3 minute song.To make sure that they can stay in the music industry for a very long time.Not all singers have the talent to write amazing songs.Some of the singers would be better off just singing.And not involving themselves in the writing process.Furthermore if you don’t prove to the wrong.That your music is good consistently then it can have an effect in you’re career.

Going viral can be a curse because it’s not the way to properly rise yourself up .Cleo sol has been in the music industry since we believe 2007.And in 2023 she is just being appreciated for her work.She hasn’t gone viral.People are discovering her.And appreciating her music that she makes.Someone like her will be in the msuic industry for a long time .Because she took her time rising up in the music industry.And didn’t rush the process.All of that paid off .And is benefitting in all of the years of hard work in the music industry.

Many Rappers have gone viral for their catchy music dance song that they made.And in 2024 you don’t hear about them anymore . When they make specif dance songs.The public isn’t use to listening to these musician.They haven’t even gotten a core audience that have been listening to them for a long time Cleo sol has developed an audience for a very long time . These rappers that go viral haven’t so when they release other albums and singles it doesn’t do well. And that why going viral can be a curse.Because how can revive yourself from that.You will just be forgotten like the others have.And never to be talked about again.

Entrepreneur that create business.And goes viral quickly could also be effected.There are entrepreneurs that try to scale their business quickly.By raising money.Raising money from investors in a way that doesn’t always pay off . Entrepreneurs will have to prove to these investors that they took money from.That they can scale the business. Elizabeth Holmes raised 700 million from investors.That were mostly billionaires.So many investigation happened.And many articles were saying that she wasn’t using her own machines.It was confirmed that it was all fraud.And she has been sentenced to prison.This is an example of trying to grow you’re business very fast very quickly.That results in her  doing fraud.

Going viral is a curse because peopel sometimes feel like they don’t have to do the work anymore.And that is and people would continue supporting them no matter what .Because of who they are.The truth celebrities that have mastered an audience and that no matter what people will support them. Supporting them even if the song that they make isn’t good . Musicians like Justin bieber , Beyonce , Selena gomez ,Bad bunny .Have mastered an incredible audience . This takes time to build that why it’s important to have a good team behind you that knows what they are doing.

The trouble that can happen when it comes to the music industry not respecting you and the jokes that can appear.Because it can make you feel very depressed because of it.Not everyone has thick skin to handle every hate that comes their way.They are people who take it very personal.They are people who come from difficult background and saw this opportunity for them to change their life for their better.Some people having a life changing opportunity can really improve their life for the better.And it can give them hope.

The opportunity that people have when it comes to going viral is why it’s dangerous.Because people don’t see the effects of it.If they are not able to be consistent in making good work.Entrepreneurship has been glamorised on the internet.It has caused young people that feel like they either drop out of college or don’t even go to college at all. They see these overnight success entrepreneurs that have developed apps.And it became a hit overnight for example.Instagram was a successful app from the beginning .It wasn’t years of building .People loved the app.And started sharing it among other people.

In 2024 Instagram has becomore more of a market place.The founder of instagram was saying that the app has lost it’s soul.The became very commercialised it all became about money.And all this popular and viral Instagram influencers that were becoming popular on that app.And many people don’t find the app as interesting as they use to.Twitter has become the app that people like.However , that app is also becomign too comercialised and about money.And not really about the user and their needs on the website.When elon musk took over it was all about business for him.When Jack dorsey was still in the company it was about developing the app to the best of the users needs


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