Why being patient is important?

Why being patient is important?


Being patient is important because . It will make a lot more sense.Especially when it’s in the right timing . And everybody knows that you would have to do it . In a time where everything is coming together.Alot of people don’t understand that.When you’re not patient and want it right now.It ruins everything.Especially if you’re not ready for it to become into fruition.For example they are people who want to graduate from University as soon as possible.And so they take a bunch of classes. In one semester and instead of just doing what they actually so that they can actually get the best grade possible.

Everybody has different responsiblity.So Understandable if someone want to graduate quickly.Because maybe they don’t want to borrow to many student loans.So they take on a lot of classes.So that they graduate faster.And don’t have to to do more years.And take on more loans.The loans that you borrow.You need to pay it back.And that the reality.That why many people are starting to ask if College is even worth it.Because of the loans that come with it. You will need to pay it back.Whether you like it or not.Depending on the country that you live .Student loans varies.You may not need to even pay it.Because it’s free.

There are people who don’t believe in making sure that you take you’re time with things.Because other people feel like they will come and steal you’re idea.Which that can be true.Especially for people that are Youtubers.You can make a video.And the people could make the exact same format of the video.They will make it seem like. They got inspiration.However , people on Youtube thrive on copying other people work.Because they don’t have that creative mindset.They are people who put in a lot of time and effort and had patient with their content .To produce a body of work that can be remebered for a long time

And that Youtuber is James Jani he produces content every few months and he has been able to get good views on his channel.Despite just making video every few months .He uploaded his first video during 2020.He has 26 videos on his channel .And he has over 1 million subscribers.When you watch his video.He put a lot of effort onhis channel.And is very evident.He doesn’t stop when it comes to making sure he makes good videos.For him it isn’ abou consistency.It is more abou making sure tha he makes good quality videos.

And not everyone cares about this.They are people who only care about making sure that they are consistent when it comes to making videos.Because for them if they are not consistent their channel.Would not be successful.And that the reality for many of these content creators.People know that becoming a successful Yotuber is like winning the lottery.They have to make sure that .The content that they are putting out is good enough for the viewers because that is one of their jobs to do.Being patient has a lot of benefits when it comes to making sure that it doesn’t fail in the long run .

For example many rappers especially in 2024 .They don’t have a lot of longevity in their career.Because they became successful very quickly.They didn’t take their time when it comes to making sure that .They take their time to become successful in the music industry.The music industry is very hard industry to get into because of the politics behind it.And nowadays you don’t even have longevity.Because the industry all they care about is making money .And not necessary how they can mske superstars in the long run.Which is missing in this day in age.it made the music industry less exciting.And people not caring about award shows as much.

Being patient will also make you appreciate the journey.The journey is beautiful.It has it’s errors.When it comes to making sure that . You’re actually enjoying it.Because it goes very fast.And then after that you will need to make sure that . Youre paying attention.Because when you reach these.You have to figure out how to stay there.Beyonce is a good example of someone who had patient when it comes to her career.Being in Destiny child was a process when it comes to success.One of the members even said it took them 8 years to get a record deal.

Why people don’t want to wait?.If someone has invested a lot of money.And years go by and they haven’t seen a return on it.That can be financially be a stress upon them.Because maybe they had a deadline when it comes to investing.They needed to make sure that they get their money .Because they need to do for something important.And this si why when it comes to investing money .You need to be very careful.Because the truth is that when it comes to investing you might never make you’re money back.Or even if you do it will take time and you need a lot of patient.

It will also make you disciplined because you’ve waited for so long.And you  have been putting in the effort to make sure that.Everything goes well.Many people don’t understand how important it it to be patient.They probably see of their age that have bought a house or even a car.And they are the same age.And they haven’t .And they start to feel jealous.Because they feel like they haven’t reach that level yet.Everybody journey is different .For many different reasons.You’re journey coul take longer because that is what is set up for you.

In conclusion , always understand that longevity is a career is better.Then rushing to have it now for example if you want to be an accountant and you’re in a rush to graduate and do the CPA exam .And you don’t take you’re time when it comes to studying you won’t be able to be an Accountant.And you won’t be able to pass.Because it is not an easy thing to pass.There is 49% passing rate in the first try.And that just shows you how difficult this exam .Actually is.It’s not easy because it is a professional job that requires a lot of studying.

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