Why are people selling hope?

Why are people selling hope?


That is the new hustle.Making people feel like they are is still hope by dojng it a business.Most people that will have access to you’re services will be around more working class.If you’re selling hope to them.That they can be millionaires by tomorrow if you’re telling them.To buy you’re courses because what they are doing is wrong.And if they buy fro  you.You are selling hope.When you watch Youtube videos.When it comes to the adverts that come on.They are so many entrepreneurs some of them even telling you to quit you’re job and starting a business.Which can be a huge risk for the average person if it doesn’t become successful.

These entrepreneurs doing advertisement for this specific niche.Are just seeling jope.So that they can make money.There is no money in being truthful to you’re audience.About the reality about starting a business.And starting a business.Has become glamorized.In the sense of the lifestyle.Noth the work that you have to put in to make it successful or even that there is a lot of luck that even playes in to it.That people don’t about as much.Because if you’re selling hope.You can’t be brutally honest.You have to dance around it .And make them feel like they can do it because you were able to do it.

When you watch the advertisement videos.They use a certain language that can make you feel warm.These are strangers on the internet that you have never met before.And are telling you that .You should believe in yourself,And you have the capability.The person watching the video may have never had someone tell them these things.So when someone from across the pond says.It can make you feel like you still have hope.And someone still has hope in you.These are what you call parasocial relationships .Which overtime i has develop into a certain career move.

The reason why it has turned into a career move.It’s because people have seen what parasocial relationships can bring.Youtube is a good example people are making Youtube videos for their audience that they can relate to .And the way Youtubers communicate with their audience.Is almost like they personally know them.And says that they their families.That sort of dynamic.Can bring revenue.Because brands ca see that you have an audience that is loved by you.And brands liek to work with influencers that see that their supporters love them.Because they will make a good brands ambassador making them the face of their product will be a good investment for them.

Selling hope is what Youtubers do us well.Youtbers advertise and product and make it seem like they love it .And it works for them.So you should buy this product.And that can be abything.Some people have severe acne.And they waych their favourite Youtubers to get advice when it comes to skin care.Because they feel like they may have good advice.Because they have noticed that their skin started clearing.This is marketing the youtubers will promote the product throught the video.And the brands will pay.ThemYou as the consumers are just being sold hope.That after using the product you’re skin will start clearing.

Selling hope is also to have good public relations.Celebrities often feel liek they gte criticised for how much money they make and even their careers.Some people may feel like they don’t deserve to be famous.Sometimes they may start selling hope .Into making themselves feel more likable because they are always hated on.For example Kim kardashianwas saying how nowadays nobody wants work work these days.Kim kardashian has been criticised for her image career and the way she makes her money.She said she wanted to motivate people.And that the way some people do in selling hope for other people.

The era that we in love in 2023 is cancel culture.People want to make themseleves feel like they can be relatable to other people .If they have been cancelled or they feel like they have to be careful in whatever they say.Because they look at you’re tweets from long time a god to see what type of person you use to be .And in 2023 if you have changed.It might not help because people will look at youre tweets who you even affiliate you’re self with.People are starting to feel like celebrities are problematic.Because soome have problematic views when it comes to sensitive topics.

The creative industry has gone down .The music industry and the film industry.They are not seeing efficient return on an investment in a movie or even in a musician.It’s very easy for a musician to be scammed in the music industy by people selling hope to them that they are talented .And they should sign to their label.And the musicians can end up being scammed.And find it difficult to leave the label because she might have a contract with them that has to be finished and that could be a long contract that can take years after years.Hope will be sold that the labe; know the music industry.And they know what to do.In making their business successful.Labels are believed to the machines in making musicians career successful.Many people were believed  that if they signed to a label.Their career would easily take off.And that hasn’t been the case for many musicians.In 2023 you’re able to have a career without a label.And by being independent.Cleo sol has her own label.And she has been able to make her career successful.That has worked well for her.It might work for you to.


In the film industry actors can work for a few producers for a really small amount or even for free.For years .And they are not successful.And that is what they are sold is hope .Hope that they will become a successful actor .Whih in 2023 is difficult because people arent making quality movies.Streaming has taken over.And producers don’t know how to make their money back.Because since the pandemic happened.Cinemas haven’t been of a necessity like they use .And people aren’t watching television that much.So what the point in tv station paying for you’re movie to be broadcasted on their station if people aren’t watching television as much?.

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