What impact AI can have in the music industry?

What impact AI can have in the music industry?


There are musicians all over the world that cannot produce or even studio time.Studio time can be expensive and some people would rather look for other affordable ways . AI can help minimize the cost.And they can record their vocals on their phone.This can help musicians get their music fast.Musicians from the 90s had to get professional producers that believed in their craft.Things like Beat stars or fiver where they can buy beats on there didn’t exist.Professional producers where they will have a studio.And have their vocals done by them.The production was always good .

Youtubers sometimes go on free instrumental website .Where there isn’t any copyright claims if they use it.AI can have an impact people may not want to use does websites where they can pay or use for free thei music that they want on their video.If AI meets their requirement .It can really help out when it comes to their videos.Some Youtubers care about the music that they use.Some just want an instrumental that they can use to make their videos not hit with copyright. Websites could die down when it comes to people paying for instrumentals that they can use or even for free.

Movies sometimes use music from popular musician.Especially if they are more established.Movies may feel like if they use AI it could help them cut down cost because they might not have to pay royalties.Movies can ask for what they want in the song and the lyrics.They will have more of a say when they use this product.It can help thm get the music that they actually want to hear in their movies.Movies need to have a music that connect with their viewes.Hallelujah on shrek is a big song on the movie.It can make the movie more exciting


AI can have an affect on what music to pick.AI Can even determined what songs can have hits.They could determin what music should be placed on an album or even single.There is a lot of conflict when it comes to music.And if AI makes consistent predictions.Then important people may not be hired as much.A lot of the jobs.In the music industry could even die out.Especially if they can make the job done faster.Music is moving at a faster pace.New musicians are coming out . They can things easier.However , having someone that has an ear for music is always a plus.

is AI music even good?.Music industry may always prefer to use.Real life people to record.Even if things become quicker.Music is constantly evolving streaming has taken over the music industry.Soundcloud has made a huge impact in the music industry.AI winner could be taken music from different places and molding it together .If you have an idea of what you want your song to sound like you can use AL and then let your producer listen to it.So that the producer has an idea . Singers could sometimes have a difficult time on how they want their sound to sound like

The negative impact

Songwriters and producers could easily be replaced if AI makes good music.Producers and ssongwriters in 2023.Are having a hard time making music that is classic. In 2023 people are still listening to music from the 90s 80s and early 2000s because the music is good.A lot of music doesn’t have a lot of replay value.AI can make music that has a lot of replay value.People will use it.If can really change society behavious.Music has a lot of influence in younger people.And some people think about how the song should sound.

Furthermore, The lack of creativity can make people feel lazy in music.If AI makes all of the work fro them.They are not going to put a lot of effort in their craft.Music in 2023 has lost it’s value.Because of the era that we are in with social media.It can be amplified with singers relying on the AI for it to make good music.The music could even sound  the same.One thing that people complain about is music sounding the same SWX has even said that a lot of musicians sound the same.People are influenced by what they hear.And they don’t become original with it.

The legal issues towards ownership.Ownership in the music industry is very controversial especially for producers and songwriters. They don’t always have ownership of the song especially if their a lot of producers and writers involved.With AI it could make it even more challenging to even understand who gets a cut of it.If the singers get owership she can get in trouble.Some people may even argue that it’s not even yours .And you can’t have a claim of the song.There has to be a law when it comes to AL music so people don’t get confused.That why producers and songwriters are important.

The music industry can be dilluted and it can even loose money.People are already not seeing artist live as much as they use to.Music already doesn’t have a lot fo money.Unless you consistently make hits songs.Which is diffcult to do.People may not even be interested in the music industry as much if that the case.They will just rely on listening to old school music.Old school music has a lot of replay value.people are still sampling music from the 90s.That the impact that music from the 90s have.Can AI music have that type of impact?.is there any replay value?.Music industry is a business they need to constantly see money.

Napster was a disruption in the music industry.AI could possibly be a disruption in anegative way.Napster made music very accessible.Which made easier to get.People were not buying CD’s as much because of this technology of downloading music online.And they were hit with lawsuits.Because they didn’t ask for permission.Is the same with lyric website if they don’t ask for permission their website can get shut down.AI music could also face situations were it can backfire.Music has become accessible and people feel like their isn’t respect for the craft.People have to make good music to get an audience.And nowadays it’s difficult to stay relevant.Artist development isn’t being used as much as it should because the music industry are more focused on getting the quick money.

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