The reality of being a One hit wonder as a musician

The reality of being a One hit wonder as a musician

One hit wonders have to travel with that for the rest of their lives.They have to face the public when it comes crutiny that they are only known for one song.And that a very ahrd thing to go through publicly in front of everyone because you have to face the world.And even though you don’t have other Music that is successful.That one song is always going be in a discussion because that is what they are remembered for.The msuic industry needs to do better when it comes selling dreams when it comes to this young people.

They keyword is young people have you noticed that plenty of these one hit wonders are young people .Who had success in their teens.And now they are nowhere to be found.The music industry likes to look for young people.And it has it’s problematic issues.Because they may seem them as an obejct that they can use for when they feel like it.because they are easy to market to the public.The public may be fascinated by theis new upcomign young musicia that they justreleased this song.That they enjoy.And the music industry feeds into it.Bceause they see how the public is liking their music.

In the music industry nobody is you’re friend.So if you managed to find friends in the music industry.And you ended up having a one hit wonder song.They may not want anything to do with you.For the fact that you’re not important anymore.And it’s all about who you are.Aspiring musicians need to focus on making sure that they are making good music.So that they are not easily forgotten.Because the music industry doesn’t care about if yuo’re a nice person.All they care about is numbers.And ifyou’re not consistently making the numbers they will easily forget about you.And move on to the next musician.

When you become a one hit wonder.And then what happens.You have to face the reality of being a failure in front of everyone.And that can be embarrasig.because evrybody can see the failure of you’re life.And might even turn it .Into a mockery.And that can feel devastating.And depressing.And not everyone can handle that.It can lead to depression and suicidal thoughts.And you need to have strong people around you.That can help yuo get through it.Some people don’t know how to deal with people that have issues like this.Because they may not be able to relate.

You have to think of other alternatives when it comes to career now.You have to open up now when it comes to things you may not want to do.Maybe you might become a journalist , presenter, Youtuber streamer.They are certain rappers after they weren’t able to make another hit song.They created a podcats and it ended up becoming very successful.Podcast are very popular nowadays among Youtubers and even Rappers.In fact there has been talk about how Twitchers , Youtubers , Podcasters make more then rappers.Rapper don’t make money like that . And lil yachty even confirmed it that the Youtubers even make more.

People won’t respect yuo anymore.The will look down upon you because you haven’t been able to ebcome successful.And that difficult to accept because you might have been a Musician that people respected at the beginning because they felt like you had talent.And now they don’t because you’re msuic isn’t good anymore.And that a sad thing to go thorough.The music industry need to avoid making people become one hit wonders.Because the fact that they are focusing on making quick oney.Is ruining the music industry.Because they have to face the fact that this musician isn’t a star .And won’t face longevity.

Music has changed a lot throught the yearsso you have to think about the ways that you can get back in people good graces whe it comes to music.And that can be a hard challenge to do .If you’re trying to redeem yourself . You have to figure out ways.To get out of the hole that you’re in with the public.And that can be changing the style of yuo’re msuic.And finding you’re sound again.Or working with different producers.Sometimes working with different producers can change you’re career trajectory.Sometimes the producer that yuo ahve used for a long time is holding you back.And it’s time for a change.

Maybe you need to hire songwriters.And this is something that has also being discussed on Twitter.Musicians want to write their own lyrics.Which is not always a bad thing.If you know how to write good lyrics.There’s nothing wrong with hiring writers to help you write a song.There are people who look down upon it.However , don’t realise that can affects musician career if they don’t have writers .Because many people don’t know ho to write good lyrics that can make it stand out among the crowd.It’s a skill just like performing and singing.We need to have the same grace for songwriting.

Songwriters and Producers are extremely important  does should be you’re biggest investment when it comes to making music.And of course a studio time.They can make a huge difference in yuo’re career.And for one hit woders.It may be be hard to find writers and producers that believe in you and feel like you can actually make good music again.And that can be also a struggle.However , you will find someone that is compatible with you.And that understands you’re vision.You shouldn’t force yourself to worj with people that don’t believe in you’re craft.Because you will struggle to find success with them.

You need to make msuic that is true to you.And not because it will make numbers.Being you’re own lane.And not being too caught up when it comes to numbers is very important.That can be the reason why .There are so many one hit wonders.Because they get too caugh up when it comes to streaming.And how many views they got on their Youtube video.And it can be addicting.We at valenzio encourage you .To make the best Music that you can possibly can from the heart.And never give up when it comes to making good music.Evene when you feel like it isn’t good.

Free Man Standing on Brown Rock Cliff in Front of Waterfalls Photography Stock Photo

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