The Difficulties of being a musician?

.The Difficulties of being a musician?

In the 21 first century music has evolved into a viral machine.Musicians aren’t creating albums as much as they use to.There are many singles . The experts have stop investing and developing musicians because a  lot believe there is no money in Music. The money come from the fame  Chloe bailey touched upon that in an interview.If the Labels won’t make their money. The thought process of a musician would be to make Tik Tok music because that what they believe does well in the Charts. The music industry is a business if you sign to a label .

Chloe Bailey shares exactly why “musicians don’t make a lot of money” (

They need to make their money back.The rise of social media has shifted the industry when it comes to talent.During the 90s and the 80s and even early 2000s . The Music industry was gatekept and only people who have talent will get a shot. Influencers who have a following can create a music career for themselves .

Especially if they also have the look all of that is a package because they are selling you to their audience. When you look at the popular performers right now they are all have a certain look and style . They can’t just look like anybody their music won’t sell.

Viral Machines

Relying on the Viral machine has a lot of disadvantages. Long term no one will care . They will look at you as a one hit wonder.That why it’s better to continue writing songs and making it . Into an Ep or even an Album because people will listen to a bunch of songs in a album and won’t stop talking about . People don’t stop talking about Michael Jackson Thriller or even Drake Album Take care.Supporters talk about . It’s his best album . When you create good albums you can make a good revenue for yourself for the rest of your whole life.

There are musicians who are very good singers.And then there are singers who are very good writers. If you are a musicians who is a better singer and not a good writer.It can be difficult to let go of the passion of writing .That you might have.There was a conversation on Twitter about musicians not hiring writers to write their songs.And that why there is a lack of good music.Because they want to do all of the work.When you watch a lot of these documentaries . All of the musicians had writers producers choreographers.They had professionals that would put their music together.

Deciding whether to be Indepent or Sign to a label. Both decisions are difficult to make.There are still musicians who are signing to labels because they want that machine.It gives them structure and how to navigate in the music industry. Many of the musicians know nothing about the business.

However , there also musicians that like being independent and just doing their own thing because they feel more free and empowered because they don’t have to make the money back to the label. They also get to keep all of the money being made.

Lonely Journey

The journey of being a musician is very lonely.Your success. All depends on you if you don’t keep performing writing . Your career might be over in a sense you will loose fame .Which for many musicians .They don’t stop until they get older because they love making music.They also do it for their  supporters because they love their old music.For musicians who have been in the music business for a long time.They will have have shows tours and opportunities because they are legends.For the ones who haven’t being for long.They have to build credibility with their audience.

Comparisons being a musicians you will easily be compared to other musicians . Especially if you are in the same age group as them and making similar music. Platforms like Twitter are known for people stating their opinion on certain topics. Sometimes it can get toxic on does platforms.

When you release a new song people on Twitter will be quick to critique . Instead of just taking time to listen to the song that the musician made. It can be unmotivating . The supporters couldn’t give their own opinions on social media platforms.But now they can .You can see all of the negativity on the comment section and make you not want to make music anymore.

Self -Employed

The risk of working for yourself and being self employed . There are musician who had a 9-5 job and transition into becoming full time musician.That can be a shock because you went from having a stable job . To now relying on making music and depending on how well you music does on the chart.If they don’t do well you won’t make a decent living because there isn’t a lot of money in the music industry . It’s more in the fame . And that difficult for some musicians to understand.

The consistency of making good music all the time is very difficult to achieve. Especially now that more people are looking to become musicians and it’s not as exclusive as it used to be . The temptation to make music that is not authentic to you.Because you believe that no one would want to heart it.It can be discouraging because you won’t enjoy the music . As much if it was making your own individual song.


The lack of support from Family and Friends.They might not be able to believe in your vision . Especially at the beginning they might think it’s to hard to achieve.Musicians where just starting to be seeing as profession.However , in the 21 century being a musician isn’t as respected as it used to be because the audiences feel like quality of music isn’t as good.Being spread into all direction can also be overwhelming especially if you are signed to a label they might over work you . You might not be able to have time. To have fun and do things that you would want to do because of your lack of time.

The music industry has evolved to streaming people listen to music from Spotify , YouTube , Apple music. Music being everywhere has reduced the quality of music. When you were younger you couldn’t wait to listen to your favorite artist music. Because the music was more exclusive. With Technology rising . A person from anywhere around the world could listen. The quality of music reduced because people were not paying it’s free so why would people put in the effort. And also music that isn’t considered good always tend to go viral . Especially if there is a popular dance.

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