should musicians quit social media?

should musicians quit social media?

Do Artists Need Social Media to Be Successful? » Artist Who Quit Instagram + It Changed Everything – YouTube

Social media has been the most effective tool for exposure . However it has disadvantages . For example as a musician when you create an account on social media people will become invested in your personal life . Especially when you’re posting consistently of your lifestyle. Sometimes it can affect the music that you put out. When you have drama it doesn’t look professional on your work life. Many musicians that are on social media have had a lot of drama about their life that should have been private. The exposure of their personal life caused that to happen.

should musicians quit social media?

Social media has also reduced the quality of music us well. It allows anyone to become successful in the music industry. Before you needed to have talent to even have a chance. For someone to listen to your record. If you musicians don’t do social media but focus 100 percent on their craft the music industry will go back to being great. Many people feel like having the access of different platforms when it comes to music has diluted it significantly.

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