Music vs Film

Music vs Film


Musicians and Actors have the unique ability to reach millions of people. Does millions of people can translate into sales if listened and watched  by the right people. Their music can be used as an advertisement , promotions , endorsement , sponsorships. The right people can take it to the next level for example Mariah Carey all I want for Christmas is you. It’s a very popular Christmas song. Whenever Christmas song it is always being used an anthem. Because it is a good song. When you write a good song it can be used as a business .The royalty checks will be through the roof.

Songwriters vs Producers.Songwriters are important in making sure the song is good. The supporters always remember the lyrics of the song when the song is not playing in the background they repeat the lyrics.Producers have their own roles on putting the pieces together in a song.

They are an asset they can make the song go from 10 to 100 with the right beat.Beats that are not produced properly they get rejected because they arent good enough. Songwriters have a very difficult time when it comes to payment they don’t get a upfront fee for their writing production .

Musicians Raye talked about it

RAYE speaks on Music Biz on +44 Podcast #Shorts #RAYE #44Podcast – YouTube

However the producers do they get it. Songwriters have more disadvantages they need to consistently create a top 10 hit song to get a decent amount of money. Songwriters mainly rely on royalties.Producers have both which is better . However , they need to still have good beats for musicians to pick.

Monetizing fame

Music vs Film

Musicians can make a lot of money through sponsorships .There are companies out there that may want to use their music for a product in their industry . For example you can see a musician in an Ad about a new app related to music .They can use their music to advertise their products. Having a popular musicians it helps when it comes to sales. Back in the day the form of advertisement was Tv or billboards or word of mouth when it comes to companies. However, there was a change when companies saw the impact musicians have in the world.

The opportunities could also lead to becoming a host for a talent show for example Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey were on American idol. This happened because does 2 women are very successful in the music industry and can help other aspiring musicians make it. You can diversify your revenues by looking at your strength it can be acting or even hosting . When you become a musician many people value your opinion on a lot of things . It can even make it sell out. If you’re wearing certain clothes especially of a small brand. You can have a direct impact on their success if you tag it on Instagram.

The art of listening to a musician and being in love with their music. Is not as popular as it use to . Drama can sometimes take the shadow away from their craft. Sometimes when a musician blows up there can be a controversy that happens and it can affect their music.Avoiding drama is better keeping your brand clean as possible. That why there are many musicians nowadays that are considering not using social media that much. It can help your music but sometimes social media can be toxic.


Music vs Film

Filmakers are the backgone of the movie . They make sure that the movies can come together . There are other people involve like Producers , Writers , Directors . Actors are also important but the behind the scenes people also need more attention. Popular actors wouldn’t have to worry as much when it comes to being underpaid because they are the star of the show.

Writers went on a strike when it comes to being underpaid . They are struggling to pay their bills . The job not being consistent and not having a daily income could also be a problem.

WGA strike 2023: Hollywood’s writers walked off the job. What happens now? – Vox

Free Man Taking a Video of a Woman Carrying a Violin Stock Photo

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