lil eazy-e

lil eazy-e

He is born in compton california he is the son of Eazy – e.Being the son of a famous rapper like this .Comes with a lot of expectation as a person .And what they would be doing growing as they are seeing more by the public.There are so many people who feel like your life is easy and you didn’t have any issues . However , his dad passed away when he was only 10 years old.So there was a lot that was missing in his life.That people don’t realise.And your dad dying and the public knows.And you can’t even deal with grief privately.

He is the president of Ruthless records an Entertainment business.People like to start their own record label companies.Some people especially nowadays when it comes to working in the Music business.They would rather start their own labels.And your seeing many more artist doing that because they feel like they have more control.And to a certain extent that is true.In 2003 he entered in the rap scene.2003 we always say that but in our opinion if you were an upcoming rapper coming at that time.That was probably the worst time to be doing that because of the ridiculous competition that was happening.

There was so much competition that was happening.Imagine you had people like Eminem 50 cent Nelly jayz dmx and all releasing music heavily.And when your a son of a legend people always want to compare you.Because they feel like you should be making music like their idol or something.It’s quite strange . However , when it comes to Music people will make music that make sense to them.And lil eazy e has his own sound and vibe that will make sense to him.Many rapper sons.They have this huge expectation on their shoulders to be the best like their fathers.And that why many of them give up.

Because the pressure is too much on them.And they feel like why do they have all this pressure.It isn’t needed .It’s not something that they need in order to become successful.Supporters should have an opened mind.Lil eazy e also auditoned for the movie straight out of compton . However, he wasn’t chosen for the lead.And the entertainment business Nepotism can work very well especially if they are White americans.However , for Black americans when it comes to working out well.It’s not always possible.Some of their parents have this belief that they have to work hard as them and they shouldn’t have it easy.

He has also created his own Marijuana brand.If you were a rapper what kind of brand would you release.This type of brands are interesting for Rappers to release.Selling or starting a brand .It’s not easy . You have to make sure that you put in the effort.In order for it to stay successful.Or else nobody would even care about it that much.He was also featured in a reality tv show called Growing up hip hop.We got a chance to see what went on  when it came to what happened to him behind the scenes.And what it’s like growing up with a famous dad.

He has released a song called It ain’t over and it’s almost like it’s a tribute to his dad which is quite interesting.His dad passed aways in 1995.So it makes sense.The song is written in a way that reflects what he is going through and what he has been through over the years.People like to hear real life music.So that they can relate to the song.They want to make sure that they can connect when it comes to Music and that is the reality.The music that his dad was making Gangsta rap .Is it the same as drill Music probably not.

However , there were some similarity when it comes to it.His father has made such a mark in the Music industry that many people will not forget and that is the case.He will always be remembered as the father of a legend.And that is hard when your trying to move away from it.And just focus on your own projects.The inspiration that his dad has on the younger generation is extremely huge.Some people like Diana ross daughter Trace ross some people forget that her mother is such a huge legend.And she has done very well for herself.

Hip hop will never have someone like his father.Hip hop music has lost a lot of it’s culture and that is the case.The case has become a different experience because of the era that we are in.However , when it comes to reality tv shows Lil eazy being featured it’s not a bad thing.However , the disadvantages happens people just call you a reality star and that the only thing that remember you as.And it will be difficult to move on from that label and that the only thing that your remembered.Reality tv shows  have created successful rappers like Cardi b and she has done well.

However , not everyone will  be like Cardi b and that is a problem.Cardi b set the tone for a lot of peope who feel like.If they go on reality tv shows they can also achieve success.However , if your not smart in that area.When it comes to marketing yourself.You will just be an influencer which is not a bad thing.Because they make good amount of money.However , it can be hard to do other things like acting rapping.Doing things that you actually want to do can be extremely hard.And not always easy for the average person to achieve.

Lil eazy e we see him releasing more music and also doing acting and tapping in to creating his won brand.Because he knows how to do it very well.Money has become  such big thing for many creatives.Money can sometimes block your creative process especially for a music video.And your recording cost.Many people when they want to become stars they under estimate the cost of it .They just think about .How much fun it would be which is true.However , think about the expenses especially if you cannot afford it don’t force yourself.Becuase it can be a bad experience for them.If you don’t have the money for it.

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