Ivan cornejo

Ivan cornejo

He is currently 20 years old and the genre that he does is a regional Mexican genre.Born in california.There are certain immigrants that no matter what. They can’t loose their roots.There are certain people that adopt to the enviroment around them.And they forget about their roots. and everything and that is not the case at all.When it comes to certain immigrants.It could also help the fact that Mexican music is becoming more and more popular.People are liking the different spanish music being created by latin american countries.And they are influencing other countries to sing more in their native language.

He endured a breakup at school inspired to start writing Music.Writing music when your going through something is very real and important.People don’t even realize the essence of it.And how that you should always make sure that the songwriting there is some form of relatability .It doesn’t have to be always.However , imagine how real the song has  become.And how it sounds realistically.He taught himself how to play the guitar by watching Youtube videos.Youtube has changed the lives of many people.And i believe that it’s a very underated platform.The platform has created many opportunities for people that would have never existed.

The first song that he learned is Ritchie Valens’ version of “La Bamba.What was your fist song that you learned.Every Artist has that one song that they really like.And that it really stuck to them so many millenials had Britney spears , Christina aguilera as their inspiration growing up.Celine dion , Whitney houston.They are  pretty much respected. this Acts and they have done incredibly well.His music inspiration is T3R Elemento and Grupo Los de la O.Who is your music inspiration especially as a Gen z .What we are seeing now is that many young Gen  z .Don’t really mention old school Musicians like that

They mention the 2010-2015 acts.And they make it clear that they have been their inspiration.Ivan debut album is Alma Vacía .The album sold 7000 units.This was his first album and he was just getting started when it comes to his career.He was still trying to make a name for himself.Don’t expect much for your first album especially if you haven’t made enough name for yourself.And your still trying to find yourself and your sound.It doesn’t work like that.You have to make sure that what your doing .Can actually make sense when it comes to.He was credited by the billboard songwriting chart and he did well on there.

Alma vacia was getting credit in the New york times.And he did very well.on there.Marketing when it comes Non english artist should be focusing on getting on these type of Magazine.They can really change your life a lot.And make a huge difference when it comes to your life.His song Esta danada went viral on tik tok and it did very well.The way the success of these Artist is happening because of people really enjoying a song that you made is interesting.However , this means that you have to work even harder to become successful.

His second album Danado peaked and it did extremely well.He has been getting attention when it comes to mexican chart.And doing extremely well.When it comes to album you have to make sure that your releasing an album that your extremely proud of.Don’t rush when it comes to creating an album.Album is basucally setting the tone when it comes to how your audience will feel about you.Many people when they start to get a song that is making waves they get very excited and feel like they should be be releasing albums.However , there is power when it comes to making sure that you do well.

Does Gen z have it easier when it comes to succeding when it comes to the music industry.They kind of do because they don’t have to work as hard.As they use to before.They have it easier then others. because of Technology.Technogy has made things easier for them .When it comes to access .They have the opportunities that many people didn’t have .And they really had to go in the streets and hustle dialy for the whole day.To try and even get an opporutnity.Today thanks to the Internet.The opportunity is endless and it’s a lot.

Ivan cornejo is only 20 years old .His career is just getting started.There are so many things that he can do .To get himself out there more.One thing about young people who start having career very young is that when it comes to them having longevity.The possibility of that can be slim if they are not calculated or doing the right thing.In order for their career to grow even more.Their career can be stagnated and it won’t grow.They are so many people that now they are in this position.Young people sometimes get exicited of the fame that they have now gotten.And forget that now this is the time that they have to work very hard.

The collabpration with Mexican artist and Afrobeat artist could be very interesting.Because afro beat music is making waves and is being received well by the world.The world is loving Afro beat msuic .And a collab would be amazing.2 people from different continents making music together.Can make so much difference.People nowadays don’t understand the essence when it comes to making music that will last.I feel like music nowadays doesn’t last as much as it use to.Classic music of 2024 does it even exist . In our opinion there is none.

Ivan cornejo has a lot to show.When it comes to Mexican artist they have loyal fans that will listen to their music no matter what.And that is what i would say.When it comes to Music.There is a lot that you have to show.Before saying that your a legend.People that get called legends have been working hard since there were children.Making msuic is all that they know.And if your career.Is just starting out.You can’t just casually say that your  a legend and you deserve this and that.Because your still trying to find your feet when it comes to making music.You don’t know where your career will be in 50 years.

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