Is Touring dead?

Is Touring dead?

Touring was a good way to perform for you’re supporters live.Musicians goal especially the ones that are passionate about music.Was to always go on tour.Going on tour all over the world.Was everything for them.They wanted to give their supporters something especial in return for always listening to their music.However , now there are musicians who might not even go on tours .Because their supporters are not real life supporters that would actually pay to perform.They may like their music because it’s catchy on tik tok.There is no connection when it comes to their music that they would want to pay.

Musicians today might have to hold to touring for a while.Unless they build a solid fanbase that have connections to their music.Musicians before didn’t have to do that.The era of music was different.Touring was key for promotion.It was a good marketing for musicians to get themselves out there.That why you see established musicians bringing upcoming artist on tour with them.To open up their opportunities. When social media begun to get popular upcoming musicians didn’t have to go on tour. They can do lives on Instagram and perform for their followers.That a good way for promotion.During the pandemic that what they did Youtube Live,and Instagram too.

Chloe bailey has expressed that there is no money in Music.And it’s more about you’re fame that you get that you monetise on .Such as Brand partnerships,Endorsement.Touring is expensive the finances behind touring .Normally is covered by the musicians or sometimes on the label.Independent musicians may have to invest moneu from their pockets . Depending on how many tickets you sell .It might not be as profitable as you think.Musicians that get popular though tik tok might not sell as much tickets.Musicians who get popular organically that supporters that have an actual connection.To the musicians music will go far

Furthemore,there are musicians who don’t even like to perform.Touring is a skill that many musicians don’t have in the music industry.Matthew knowles express that he would make Beyonce run and sing at the same time.So that her daughter will be a good performer.Performing is hard .There are musicians who don’t have stage presense and social anxiety.For musicians who are introvers going tour might not be for them.Summer walker has expressed that she has social anxiety.People always assume that she might not like it or she doesn’t have energy.Some people have anxiety that could affect their energy on stage.

There are blog posts that suggest that the live music industry is broken.There aren’t stars like Michael Jackson ,Whitney Houston,Queens.These 3 musicians will go on tour and the tour will become successful.Tours have created a revenue stream for musicians .If they don’t make enough from royalty then the tour could a good revenue stream.Espexially if they performs for a lot of shows.During the early 2000s people wanted to see musicians even if they didn’t establish themselves.As long as they had good music they would go.Social media has helped dilluet that.Because quality music that will be played in 20 years popular.

The hours and the discipline that you have to put in to practice to create a succesful tour some people feel like it’s a waste of time .If the musicians hasn’t created a catalog of good music.Beyonce talks about haven’t to cut out certain food.Togte back in shape again after giving birth to twins.She explained that the hours were excruciating.Even before the twins when you look at beyonce rehearsing.It will be for the whole day she would be practising.Musicians may not care as much . For them Music is another stream of avenue that they can use to eleverage their business ideas that they have.

Cardi b has 1 album out .And she has been able to leverage her fame with doing Brand partnerships , Endorsement.She has worked with really big fashion houses.That what some people goal is . People have seen the benefits of becoming musicians . They can start successful businesses, try acting.Celebrities have benefits because of their fame.Sometimes they even get free things sent to them.Cardi b started of as a reality start she leverage that to promote her music which worked perfectly for her.She released Bodak yello and it changed her life completely.It made her a brand.

What the solution?

Musicians have to stop making music for Tik tok.They have to make music that is real and raw . The artistic original music has to appear in their sound.Touring will make sense for musicians when they make music that is raw and real and for a Tik tok dance.Tik tok and other social media platform .Shouldn’t have influence on the type of music that you will make.Musicians have to make sure that the music that they make can make an impact on someone.When you listen to your favourite music from the early 2000s they made a huge impact on people.

People shouldn’t push Musicians to tour so quickly when they haven’t established good music.There is pressure from the label to do thing s quickly because they want their money back.Being independent could better for the musicians because you don’t have to rush anything.You can just take you’re time in releasing an album and also going on tour.Cleo sol didn’t release an album until she was 30.And she still have’t gone on a would tour and she is 33.She also has her own record label.This has helped in not making her have to rush to release music . She took a 5 year from music when she was recording and writing music.

If as a musician touring is you’re goal.Make sure that in whatever city that you’re in.Your msuic is taken of .Before focusing outiside.Taking the time in yuor city and other city close to you.Make sure people are listening to your msuci there.Making an impact in you’re city is important.Beyonce has made impact in houston texas.Musicians who come from small town are always looked up to.Because it gives other people hopes that they can still make an impact no matter they are from.Bad bunny is a good example of that coming from puerto rico .He has been able to create a successful career all over the world.

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