is it worth being a songwriter in 2022?

is it worth being a songwriter in 2022?

Is it worth being a writer in 2022? – Quora

Yes, but you need to have a structure to get there. It’s a lot more complicated if you don’t know the business you will be frustrated. The music industry likes to take advantage of young beautiful upcoming writers. They will want to mentor you and teach you things. You need someone that has your best interest. It’s important that you have someone that manages you good faith. The music industry is full on money grabbing people they see an opportunity and want to take advantage. That why sometimes they become depressed. The stressed becomes too much.

is it worth being a songwriter in 2022?

Writers of today may still have part time jobs for the rest of their careers. It’s very hard to get big placement you need to create a good team that can get you through does doors. And even with that it’s not guaranteed you will get it because they are very picky. Keep working at your craft because you will face a lot of rejections. The music of today is constantly evolving so you need to keep up the you write the better.

In conclusion , having a team that believes in you will be much easier a long the way .The ones who know the business and are experts. Nija charles had a manager from the very beginning of her journey Nija Charles on songwriting, confidence, and her biggest lessons (

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