How Tyla brand evolved?

How Tyla brand evolved?Tyla is born to a coloured family Zulu, Indian, Mauritian and Irish descent.There was controversy when it comes to her identifying herself as  coloured.Because in America that word is derogatory.That word was used in a bad way towards Black americans.And so that why there was controversy.However , in other countries using the word coloured.It’s specific for people who are mixed with different races.And in South africa they have their own history.When it comes to racism.She begun posting original songs on Instagram and sending them to important people in the music industry.She did this to try and get an opportunity.And this is the new generation of Musicians were they send their music out in order to get some attention.

She was then discovered by her first manager Garth von Glehn, who then organized her first recording sessions.She was studying a degree.And then later on she dropped out to pursue music full time.It’s a risk to do that.Because not everyone will have a successful career.They may have to go back to school . If the career doesn’t pop.There are always success stories of people making it.And what about the ones that didn’t make it.There has to be more stories about does people too.Because it’s the reality.

Tyla released her single in 2019 called Getting late.And the song did very well.It made her get signed to epic reocrd.And this was after she graduated from high school which is not surprising.That her success was happening quickly from when she started posting covers on Instagram to releasing her single.And getting signed to Epic records.Things were happenning fast for her.And this is the moment that as a Musician you need to do the right thing .When it comes to making sure that you can keep the momentum of the success.Because it can easily fade away if you’re not smart.

Tyla first public appearance in 2023 during the Dolce & Gabbana afterparty at Milan Fashion Week.Following the release of her single “Been Thinking”. Tyla first public apperance was with Dolce and Gabbana . Is Tyla lucky that she has been able to to get this opportunities earlier in her career so soon.For other musicians in took them ages.To get an opportunity it was never easy for the,They had to really lowkey bully their way into it.There are some musicians who would diss a lot of brands to create controversy.And then they are people like Tyla that have few songs that are doing well.And are able perform for Dolce and Gabbana.

Tyla opened up for Chris brown .There are established musicians the minute they see someone new becomign popular they either collaborate with them or even .Let them open up their tour for them.And in both situation.These Artist benefit because they are both each getting the piece of the pie.She also released girl next door with nigerian musician Ayra star which makes a lot of sense.Because these nigerian musicians have made Afrobeats global.And in South africa amapiano has become very popular.Afrobeats and Amapiano and Afrobeats makes sense both are from the same continent.

Tyla released Water which made her extremely popular.Her name was everywhere .And the song went viral on Tik tok.And as a musician if you’re song goes viral on Tik tok.Then you’re doing something right.Because they are lot fo teenagers on the apps.Who might even create dances.And make the song.Even more popular.And that exciting to see as a young musicians.However , musicians shouldn’t rely on Tik tok too much.Because it’s not going to be reliable .You’re song might even get repetitive and people amy loose interest.Because they feel like you’re doing Tik tok music.Instead of doing it for the supporters that go and pay to see you perform these songs.

The music video was released on Youtube in October of 2023 and it had 3 million views in 3 days . Epis records clearly knew what they were doing with her.It’s very hard sometimes for labels to sign artists from the continent and to find success.Because the westerners may not connect with their music.They may think hat their music isn’t good enough to market to the world.Music in other countries is starting to travel across the west and doing very well.Afrobeats has become global.Tyla as of 2024 was the youngest African grammy award winner.And also Tyla first ever award.

Imagien you’re first ever award being a grammy how many people can even say that.Tyla has skipped the steps.Which can be a risk.Because people who climb the top by no taking the steps.Became one hit wonders.However the way that she looks and even the way she has been able to brand herself.If she keeps her brand clean with no controversy doesn’t interact with people too mcuh on twitter especially clapping back.Her personal life doesn’t get exposed when it comes to who she dates.And keep focusing on producing good music.She can actually be around for a long time.

March of 2024 is when she is releasing her debut album . And already she has won a grammy made a name for herself already.Some people use albums to get their names out there.But for tyla she did the opposite.She released signles.And it ended up winning her a grammy.They are some people who feel like because she is pretty.It gives her the opportuntiy to become successful quickly.And unfurtunately the msuic industry can operate like that where they only care about the looks.And not about the talent.In 2024 there are people who feel liek they are lack of stars because of social media influence in songs going viral.

Tyla may ahve to prove herself more . If they want people to focus on her music.And not on the way she looks.However , for musicians who looks a certain way.Especailly if they are women .They have an advatange.It will push the music industry to push them even more to become successful.And that the truth.Music had had to adapt themselves to this generation when it comes to social media.And i think the music industry made a mistake in that . However , Musicians like Tyla that are from a different continent can make it easier to expose their talent into the world.Instead of having to move to Los angeles.

Tyla Is the Best Dressed on the 2024 Grammys Red Carpet

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