How to write a hit song?

How to write a hit song?

Valenzio team is not experts in writing hit songs.However as listeners we know what we like to hear from a musician.Writing songs is not easy.It’s a skill that requires practice.You won’t write your first song ever and it will become a hit.You have to write it a lot of times.To get the sound that you actually want .Wrters have many songs.That have been thrown in the bin because for them it wasn’t good enough.There are writers out there that are very hard on themselves when it comes to the sound.They want it to be perfect.

Topic of the song is actually important.It represents the vibe of the song.Writing the song that you can relate to is always good because.When you write it will be easy to put the words together , to blend in well.Furthemore , you can also think about the things that have happened to you in life.That you really hard.Make notes of it and see how you can make it into sentences.Don’t be afraid to take as much notes as you need.Tke your time don’t rush.Writing  a song could even take hours or minutes.Some hit songs can be written in 15 minutes.Depends on your skill.

Lyrics you have to think about what type of lyrics do you want it to be.Soft lyrics or hard lyrics or in the middle.There is a science behind that .It’s always good to analize other songs and see the difference.You can take inspiration.However , don’t full on copy it.Because people can tell.Nowadays people on social media feel like a lot of music sound the same.if people notice you’re song sound too similar.They can become uninterested because it sound like the artist that they listen to.People want to hear original and unique music.Music in 2023 people want to hear a different sound.

A lot of people take inspiration from the 90s which is not a bad thing.However , that can sometimes get boring.If you keep on borrowing from the past.People want to hear something fresh and new.Hit songs are unpredictable.You will never know which one can change your life.Sometimes is the unexpected one.When you do write a hit song.You have to keep sustaining the hit status or else you will be burn out very quickly.People are releasing music very easily nowadays  there’s a lot more competition then before.Because music has become accessible many people have been wanting to make it their career..Because of the possibliity now.

There’s also a lot of people who are not as talented becoming musicians.Technology has given as the opportunities that wasn’t possible for the average everyday person.It’s wonderful for people to become successful.However , when it’s the one that are not as talented it can become problematic.Music industry use to be a place where only talented peoplw ould be able to make it.Now it has changed and labels are chasing for the next tik tok stars.When writing songs melodies are important and on Tik tok if people like certain songs .It can get attention.Writers shouldn’t worry about social media attention from their music.

Is writing hit Songs sustainable?

There are people who can write hit songs back to back.And then there are others who’s not sustainable later on you will get writers block.And sometimes after a certain time in theiir careers.They hire professional writers.To write their hit songs for them .Which might work or not.Professional writers who have a catalog can help other writers write better music.However, many people are struggling to consistently write hit songs consistently.Gen z have seen a lot of one hit wonders that haven’t been able to sustain it .They have to doother things to get more attention.Sometimes they go on reality tv shows

Reality tv shows have helped break out some people Or it has made other people who became one hit wonders.Another revenue stream.People don’t plan to go on reality tv shows.Especially for people who worked hard to get themselves in the music industry.However , making music that everyone likes isn’t easy in the 2020s.You have a lot more to prove.Beyonce is on tour doing well.And selling out shows.This happens because she has been in the music industry for a long time.People are always going to respect the musicians who havebeen in the business for long.

Writers have to make sure that they are being true to their craft.They need to create their own trends and lane.Cardi b went on a reality show and utilize that platform to become a successful rapper.Some people feel like going on reality tv shows are not good and people may not take you seriously.However , if you use the platform seriously to you’re advantage it can make a difference.It can really help you in getting more opportunities being on tv.Writers need to utilize any platform to their ability. Going to networking events for songwriters it’s always good to connect with other professionals.

Professional writers sometimes speak at events where they give tips to aspiring writer.Platforms like can help when it comes to finding events for writers to learn and grow.It’s not enough to practice.You ahve to make connection.Making your foot in the door.Follow you’re favourite songswriters and see when it’s their next events that they will have.Networking is something that people don’t talk about.Becoming a songwriter who want to make hit songs consistently is understand more about the business.And the truth is that when you write songs for musicians that are already legend.It will most liekly be a hit song ebcause of who they are.

When you write songs for other musicians who just have one hit songs.You are taking on a big risk .Networking will be the key to your success meeting people that can take you tr=hrough does doors.To meet already successful legendary musicians.Marketing is you’re bestfriend do you have a youtube channel?Tik tok?what content are you making can it translate to listeners.For some people it works .And for other it doesn’t.If you’re already making content on Yotube and you write a hit songs it might already catch traction.If you have an establshed fan basa.For example Bethany mota a beauty guru was alreaso releasing music that did well.

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