How to stay motivated?

How to stay motivated?

Staying motivated is hard because you have to keep going.Even when you don’t see the results.You’re mind has to be in the right place.You’re mind very powerful it can make or break you.You’re mind has to be right so that you can keep being motivated.There are so many things.On someone mind that could be happening that could block his motivations.Family problems that all lead to emotional problem life problems.It could be something to do with them it could be sickness problems , emotional problems.So many things in life can happen.Which makes them not want to be motivated.

Setting small goals that you can do each week.It’s important to set you’re goals small each week so that when you will progress.When you’re setting goals don’t put to much pressure on yourself to do a lot.When people are setting goals for themselves .They do a lot so that they can achieve their goals quicker.An example could be if you have a blog that you want to start .Posting twice a week is good and a realistic goal.Instead of saying everyday because you  ight burn out.And you won’t look forward to posting.Because it becomes like a chore where you’re force to because you’ve set yourself a schedule.

Not seeing the results is when people don’t become motivated.When you’re starting something.It’s important to understand that it takes more than a few years to see results.It takes decades.That why there are people who are never satisfied .And they keep working until they are old.Kim kardashian was already a multi millionaire.But in a interview she said that she wanted to be a billionaire before she turned 40.The average person could only dream to be a millionaire.Let alone a billionaire.And kim wanted more for herself.And she managed to make herself a billionaire.The goal that she set for herself.

The average person may not become a millionaire or a billionaire.However,they could create something for themselves.That could still become successful.These are the type of small goal you can be setting.A lot people would like to be wealthy .However , if you wanted to start something on you’re known.The goal should be being stable.The thing is stable enough to stand on it’s own.Some people stop being motivated maybe the results that they say it was too smal.And they want something bigger .The truth is most people would have to set results that are best to their capabilitites.Some people will suffest to dream big.

Which is not a bad thing.However not everyone will be able  to fulfill their dreams.The work  that some people put in decades after decades.And they still don’t see any results.However, they continue because of the passion that they see.You don’t necessary need to have passion you want to.However , i think discipline is important making sure that you’re doing what you’re suppose to do every week.So that you can progress gradually.People feel if they don’t big progress they aren’t doing well.However , the fact that you have begun and stayed consistent .Shows how commited you are.And gradually you will see results.

Staying consistent is where people lack motivation.If they missed the first , second and third week.It becomes a habit.And they start to miss more.Some people life issues get in the gay for example if they are inschool and it’s exam seasons .Finding the time to actually focus on you’re project.May not be a priority after a while.For people school always comes first.And they can’t prioritise both at the same time.Some people their project that the do on the side.It’s not something that they want to do full time.Their education is more important .Because it might be their career goals.

Seeing the end goal.And how good it would be if you actually acheieved you’re goal.It would be amazing.There are people who want to give back to their parents for their sacrifice.Sometimes you hear Youtubers saying that their parents sacrificed so much for them.So that why they stay motivated so that they can reward their parents for all of the hard work that their parents did.People stay motivated also thinking about what type of childhood that they grew up in.If they grew up working class.They don’t want to stay working class.The struggle that they went though in their childhood.

Rewarding yourself every gingle time you work on you’re project.It could be maybe watching you’re favourite tv show or even a movie.Eating you’re favourite snacks.Reading books.It doesn’t have to be going about and buying things.Because not everybody could afford to treat themselves.There are people who find joy in watching their favouite that they haven’t seeing in a long time.It changed their mood completely.Especially when people feel like movies are not the same anymore.And hollywood is changing .And with the writers strike.Quality movies aren’t being made as much.There are so many business movies that you could watch.That can help you stay motivated.

Reading motivational blogs could also help out us well wealthy gorilla.Is a good platform when it comes to motivation there are so many things that you could learn from there.They give you detailed tips on how to achieve you’re goals .And how to stay motivated.This can be something that you could read every morning or even before going to bed.It could help you staying motivated you like you’re not motivated or today isn’t the day.Use wealthygorilla as a self help guide.Sometimes people are not in the right mood  to do certain things.And just reading certain things it can help them out.

Staying motivated can be .Also making sure that you don’t tell you’re goals.To the negative family members or friends .Because sometimes when you tell them something .It can backfire .Backfire in a way that can affect you’re motivation.Motivation because you hear negative things.About the project that you want to begin with . Founder of spanx said that she didn’t tell anyone about the business.Because she didn’t want to hear outsiders opinion.Outsiders opinion can cause people to loose motivation.And that can be difficult to get the motivation back.Motivation can be hard to get when things are not going well.

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