How to market your music effectively without social media?

How to market your music effectively without social media?

Marketing you’re music effectively needs strategy.It can’t just be posting on every social media platform it’s not enough because only you’re followers will see it.They needs to see and hear,  you’re Music everywhere when they walking to places .And that can be expensive.And many aspiring musicians will need to  be frugal when it comes to that because when they are  getting started, they don’t have the money to market it.And that understandable.You’re’ favourite  musicians didn’t have any money.And they were still able to have a very successful career.One strategy could be going music events in you’re city and printing business cards with you’re name on it.Say which platforms they can find you on.And you can give them to every single person that you talk to.

There are always events going on . In the music industry they are always looking for new people and talent .When you’re performing in places like churches , wedding , parties . At the end you can give you’re audience a tshirt with you’re name and face especially with the ones that enjoyed you’re audience .If you have a single that you have to promote . You can use this opportuntiy to talk about you’re next big single.

The date and the name of the song can be on it. Another strategy could be given you’re family member and friend business cards especially if they support you.Attention the keyword is ‘support’.Don’t just give it to any family member or friend just because you know them.Because the truth is strangers might even support you more.Then people that you actually know for many different reasons.And Musicians don’t always understand why , that happens .But people can be very jealous to see that you’re doing something with you’re life.And they are not doing anything.So it makes them feel some type of way.

Depending on where you live as a songwriters sometimes the networking might not be effective on where you live.In america if you live in places like Nashville, Nyc , California.It’s good because that where a lot fo the big musical players tend to be in a lot.And also if you can’t afford to go to events that Ok.Everybody has different responsibility and can’t always afford to do what everybody can do.And that the reality.If you’re a musician and you have a child.And  times are hard .Try and see if you can save up next time

It’s important  that you don’t go broke.Trying to pursue a career that might not even happen.Musicians need to attend parties and wedding .Where there is DJ’s Musicians can sometimes underestimate them for many different reasons.There needs to be more of a relationship.And it doesn’t have to be with many . But if you have 1 solid that believes in you’re music.And feels like you have something to give to the world.That can be good.Because they will always play you’re music at events that make sense.Being a Dj is an art.They can play you’re song at the very beginning where sometimes Dj’s can start of slow or upbeat.Think about the type of song you want to be played when you’re Dj plays it.

It makes a huge difference.When you think about it in a business manner.And not in a way am just giving him any music.What type of vibe do you want to give them .That actually makes sense.It could be an upbeat song.That is very iconic.That has a lot of iconic lines.That can be played at parties and even weddings.You’re lyrics are super important when it comes to being a musician.Because that is what they will remember.And not necessary the beat.They will always sing the song.

You can get the Dj to  market you.By saying who wrote the song and the title of it.Every single time he plays it .When you’re writing a song.You always want to make who and what you’re writing it for . Find music schools in you’re, area see if you can find the email of of the professors. And see if you can write a song that can target young people in a school that makes sense.It can be effective.Because younger people save a lot of power when it comes to making a song successful they might use it as a title on their instragram caption. Post it on Twitter , Facebook if they like it .

Use word of mouth.And tell other people . You can also use word of mouth. Nowadays word of Mouth has become underrated because a lot of people use social media . However .It can be effective when done in the right way. How do you get you’re song talking . Human being are constantly talking.However they are not always on social media.And they are people who are old school and don’t always like to find music online.Sometimes they like to discover it on their own.

Find a communtiy of other writers that write songs the opposite of you.It can be powerful because  people will notice the style of songwriting.With other writers .The iconic duo  Missy elliot and timbaland had a very unique sound that never knew what to expect with them.They had a unique melody and sound .And the writing was always very different.Their sound was unique to them You didn’t really hear Producer and songwriters make music like that.And it made her stand out in the music industry.To stand out in the music industry.And to market well. You need to make unique music.

Marketing unique music can be hard especially in this social media age of music.I would also suggest to try and see if you can get a job at Spotify, Apple music.They may have events that may not even need to pay to go to .Because you’re an employee.And you can get to meet really important people that can help Market you’re music to the right audience when it comes to getting Managers.You can even let you’re employee listen to you’re music.And maybe if they like you’re music.They might even promote you more on Spotity and Apple music.Posting you’re music on streaming platforms isn’t enough .There is a lot of work to do behind the scenes.And that where Musicians make mistakes .

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