How the make up industry can revive?

How the make up industry can revive?

The makeup industry was one of the most popular industry at a time.However in 2024 it has gone down.And it’s for many different reasons.The makeup industry has always been popular because people like to put products on their faces.And makeup products was one of them.Women used makeup to enhance their features.It gave them a whole new look. And different eras went by .Makeup in the 90s was more focused on the skin . And eyeshadows played played a big part in their look.And even the eyebrows they were way thinner .Right in 2024 people eyebrows are much more thicker.

The makeup industry was thriving very hard.Because saw how the look on their favourite celebrities and wanted to look like them.Amd that why the 90s makeup look was replicated from teenager girls.Celebrities were a lot more admired.So people wanted to know where they got their makeup.Makeup industry was a lot more respected because they were fewer makeup products .And people genuinely created a business out of it.Because they knew what they were doing.The makeup industry was a lot more respected because of the type person that had to create products that you truly understood what the product would do for the person. The creative industry didn’t just let anybody in.

When beauty gurus started posting their makeup looks on Youtube it was purely to show people how they do their makeup.It wasn’t to start a career.In fact there wasn’t career to be a beauty guru yet.People were just posting because people had good makeup looks and wanted to replicate it.And that what the platform Youtube was people were learning how to do things.Now it has evolved into people wanting entertainment..A lot of beauty gurus have even become vloggers or doing commentary because people don’t care to watch 6 minutes videos on makeup tutorials.

There was a dip in the Makeup industry in 2018/2019 . There was so much that was happening.Celebrities were releasing makeup brands.Making the industry competitive and even more saturated.Some people didn’t find the industry fun anymore.Because they were just way too many too choose from.It was more fun when it was just a few.Now with many celebrities jumping on it people are loosing interest.Bceause a lot of people feel like it’s a cash grab.Because their name is on it and they can easily sell a lot of products.The way to revive the makeup industry is too listen more to there audience.

This may be controversial . However , brands connecting so much of themselves to beauty influencers also contributed to it.They should have stuck to the everyday person who enjoys buying their product because want to use it for church school , wedding , birthday party.These brand trips that they would take influencers , free pr that they would give these influencers to review.At the end of the day these brand existed because an everyday person like their brand and product and it worked for their skin.Brands should have been more connected to their audience .Because they being very involved with influencer lost the aprs that a lot of everyday people had for them.

People didn’t particularly like when brands would send of these influencers on brand trips to promote their product.Because they felt like it wasn’t genuine.Influencers know the value of being close to a brand and what it does for them.So would influencers be honest all the time about products.Some of them would do . But most probably won’t because they still want the opportunity.The ways that the makeup industry can revive is by not doing brand trips . And just being more connected with their audience bys seeign who supports them most when it comes to using their products . And even gifiting the ones that ahve a hard time buying it . However love their brand.Doing this during christmas isn’t a bad idea.

Also the makeup industry have been bombarding their audience with too much makeup.A lot of poeople in 2024 are realising that they don’t need all that makeup.A lot of young teenage dream back in 32013/2015 was too have bulk load of makeup because they felt lie that what is what that they needed.They don’t need all that makeup because they are moving towards less makeup even within the eyes a lot of people are keeping that clear.A lot don’t use eyeshadow

Make the products more about the customers that it speaks directly to them and not everyone else.You can do a survey or even an instagram pool when it comes to involving them when it comes to the name of the packaging.Or even what colour to use.And what type of makeup products that they want to use.Featuring people who are not trying to necessary be influencers .But are more then happy to showcase themselves doing a tutorial when it comes their products.Not focusing on getting approval from celebrities and influencers.Will help revive the makeup industry.

Makeup industry need to focus on creating trends instead of following trends.It’s very easy to see something going popular on Tik tok and you feel like you have to jump on it.Makeup need to look at the future and think about what the future of makeup .Because we have now gone past the heavier look when it comes to makeup.We are not in 2016 people want to to the grocery store with either no makeup or even very minimum.The truth is they need to invent a new makeup product that can change the industry. They need to analyse the way people do their makeup and see what they can do to contribute to it.

A lot of Makeup brands are releasing the same thing .However they just have different formulas.The audience is getting bored of it .We needa invention when it comes to makeup to revive it again.Because a lot of people have complained about kylie cosmetics when it comes to the amout of collection that she used to sell.People felt like it was too much.Because it was all the same formula,But different packaging .Kylie has rebranded her makeup.And when you look at Kylie jenner now her makeuo is a lot more simple.

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