Jamie Foxx

Jamie Foxx

Jamie foxx didn’t grow up with his parents.Jamie foxx was raised by his Grandparents.Jamie foxx began learning the piano at just 5 years old.Jamie was a Pianist and and a choir leader being raised in the church when it comes to Music is Black american culture.Most of the most successful Artist that are Black american started  singing in church.In school he was seeing as someone who could easily tell jokes.And even his teacher rewarded him for that.Jamie foxx was singing in a band called Leather and Lace.Jamie foxx started off telling jokes at a night club in 1989.1991 he joined a cast In Living Color 1991.

From 1996 to 2001 Jamie foxx created his own sitcom. This was a good time for him to create his own sitcom.It was before Social media took over Social media.People were interested in learning about the next big celebrities that wanted to create their own show.People were watching  shows a lot more.Now what we have is paying a subscription monthly and hoping that Netflix doesn’t cancel the show because of low viewership.Jamie fox was featured in his own movie called Toys and it was released in 1992.The films wasn’t a huge breakthough for Jamie or even for the box office.However , it gave him a good opportutnity to showcase his talent to the world.

Jamie foxx was also featured in another movie called Any given sunday.The film did very well at the box office.It was over 100 million.And the film was released in 1999.Jamie was also featured in a Mohammed ali.Jamie foxx was also featured in a movie called Collateral.1994 Jamie foxx released an album.And the album that he released is very good because of the fact that.When your doing very well in something whether it’s acting or Singing .If you take on one of them.And you  do it very well .It’s beneficial for your entire brand.

this album wasn’t successful.However , it’s good for  an Entertainer to try new things.Jamie foxx was collaboraing with Kanye west and twista.However , it wasn’t until the collaboration that he did with Kanye west called Gold digger.That made him very popular.People really liked his chorus on the song.His voice sounded very old school.Jamie foxx also portrayed Ray charles that was releaed in 2004.Jamie fox then released his second album Unpredictable relesed in 2005.The album was actually the breakthough for Jamie fox in the Music industry.Jamie fox was even nominated for Grammy’s.It was quite obvi0us that he was making a name for himself in the Music and Movie.

Jamie fox went to do more successful movies like Miami vice and also Jarhead . Dream girls was a very successful movie.And it’s also a unique movie.The movie made Jamie foxx very popular he was featured along side Eddie murphy and Beyonce and jennifer hudson.So imagine how well.The succes of the movie was for him during the early 2000’s.Jamie foxx was featured in a lead role called The kingdoom.Is interesting to see when Jamie foxx started his career and how long it took him for his breakthrough to happen.It took years .And that just shows that it’s a process.

Jamie foxx received Hollywood walk of fame.Any person in hollywood that receives that it’s a huge achievement the fact that they can recognize you for the work that you have done is truly amazing.Hw was featured in other movies like Soloist.2008 he released his third album  and he actually won Grammy awards for it.The album was featured with Kany west  , Neyo, T.i.Jamie fox was featured in a animated film called RIO.Jamie foxx was becoming that person for any big box office movie to be featured in.And once you reach that level they sky is the limit.

Jamie released his 4 album called Best night of my Life. It was released in 2010.At this time in 2010 pop Music was extremely popular .Singers like Katty perry and Rihanna were killing it during this time.His album was up against these other Artist of that generation so the response may not be as great as the other one that came before.Jamie fox had a daughter that is born in 1994. He also was looking after his sister . Jamie foxx was featured in a movie called White house down.He also appeared in the Spider man 2 . 2017 he was featured in a movie called Baby driver.

Jamie foxx also did a duet with Dionne warwick. He also released his 5 album. Jamie fox was featured in a chorus with Ariana grande.Jamie foxx was also produing White famous he executive produced.He also featured in a movie called Just mercy.Dad stop embarrassing me was another movie that he prodcued that is on Netflix.The time that Jamie started his movie career was during DVD . Now DVD have basically become dead.People are using streaming platforms like Netflix or Hulu.The type of classic movies that we use to watch are not being made nowadays in this generation.

We can blame social media for all that we want however . If they allow social media with too much influence their movies will fail.They neeed to go back to the drawing board and analyse what made their movies so good before.Spiderman was released in 2021 and he was featured in it us well.Jamie foxx career hasn’t been easy just because of the time that he was in when you actually have to prove yourselft that you talent.And just getting into does doors that give you opportunity is another diffcult thing.Movies nowadays are idfficult to make successful in our opinion.

Times are very different when it comes to Making movies or Music.If someone decided that they have done very well in the Music industry.And they want to feature themselves in other avenue .It’s going to be hard.Because the Music industry is always blowing up new artist.And that makes it difficult to stay on top.However , with Jamie foxx because of the era that he grew up in .The music and movie industry were gatekeeping their talent.They were not blowing up Artist like that.Jamie foxx career is going to be interesting especially when it comes to movies.What roles are going to see him in.More action movies and animated movies probably.

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