How Beauty and Music are related?

How Beauty and Music are related?

Beauty and Music are related because . In the music industry people don’t want to admit this .However , your looks can really help you further your career.The most successful musicians a lot of them have beauty lines and skin care lines now.It wasn;t popular for singers to have beauty lines.A changed happened and many singers were starting beauty lines.When music labels have a hard time marketing a musicians music to success.They may use their youthful beauty to sell music.Age can be a factor because a lot of people believe that women are only beautiful when they are young.

Beauty can die out .And so can music.Especially in 2023.Musicians have a hard time staying relevant in 2023.Because of the constant music being released.If they don’t come out with a good song.No one will remember them.After  a certain period of time.People may not remember them.Models beauty can fade away.Especially when they get older.People may not want to see older people model as much as the young person.That why many people feel like .After 30 if there is a sign of ageing.The model might not be booked as much for shows and photoshoots because she doesn’t look the same anymore.

Modelling industry is brutal because of the fact that it’s all about your looks.It can affect somebody self esteem .If they don’t already have the confidence.Women can have insecurities already .And people can say that you’re not good enough for them.Modelling industry has also changed with the rise of social media.Making it difficult for people to distinguish between runway models and Instagram models.Which is a total different industry .Then what runway have to see on a daily basis.Some people feel like Instagram models have dilluted what it means to be a model.And it’s not taking as seriously as much.

Music and Beauty has a big influence on a young person life.The music that they listen to can have affect on someone’s life positively or negatively.And same with Beauty it can be positive or negative .Because maybe the beauty standard that the influencers .Influences can be very negative.Influencers have  ahuge power.Especially nowadays a lot of young people do purchases because of what the influencer that they follow said.They feel like they have the expertees in what product is good or isn’t good.Before people would just take on risk or ask people that have used it if it’s good.However , influencers have definitely spending among their followers.

The same with beauty people are spending even more on cosmetic surgery to look like their favourite influencers. Social media has exposed a lot more to a person  then it should.There are people who do house tours , daily vlogs of what their life is they show their children alot.They talk about their personal life.There is that parasocial relationship that people feel like they know.And that they are their friends . It’s a lot more then just people being influence in what they do.They feel like they have their best interest alsomost like their best friend.

BBL are very popular procedure.And many young women are getting it because they may not feel confident with their body that they already have.Influencers have definitely had a huge impact on young women wanted to get surgery.The information that they are given them.Some are looking for the cheapest way to get cosmetic surgery.Because it is expensive.The procedure is a very dangerous surgery because they are opening up you’re body.And you might not make it out alive.It could be the worst decion of you’re live if it goes wrong in the future.You might even get complication because of the surgery.That the reality

Musicians music can also be negative especially with their influence.The can influence violence in their music.Which can be dangerous.Music is very powerful.Whatever you say can backfire on you.There has been debates online about drill music and it’s influence on young people.People feel like the lyrics can be  anegative influecen on younger children.And it can encourage violence.I’ts important that if you have a child listening to their music .Esepcially if they are children . Children listen and do what other adults do.Adults might be able to control what good or bad music to listen to but children do not.Younger people like to follow the crowd and trends.They may find it cool

Music can also have an effect on musicians themselves.People listen to other musicians a lot and try to copytheir sound .Instead on focusing on being original.That can also make their music loose interest in the audience.Models nowadays are being replaced by nepotism babies.They are being more popular.Then hearing about the working class becoming successful by being discovered.The shifft on the industry focusing on the ones that already have the connections could make people loose interest in models.There is no authenticity in models if they all become successful through nepotism.It can become discouraging for the everyday model.

Beauty and music are in their own lane evolving.Music is evolving to making people who make catchy music successful.Instead on focusing on artist development .Beauty is moving towards the nepotism .Which can backfire.If they don’t focus on everyday people.Catchy music isn’t sustainable in the long run.People will get tired . And the song will fade away.People still listen to music from the 80s and 90s because of the fact that they are good.can music from 2020s have an effect 50 years from now.It may not be the same as the 80s and 90s because of the era of the music industry.

Beauty can have the same effect .Especially with people getting cosmetic surgery .People may even start to look the same.And it would be difficult for people to care about the models.Designers have a specific look that they want to see .when you look at the models from the 90s and 80s they had a unique look.That you didn’t see everyday. And the truth is that how designers want models to look.It’s a tough industry that why there is a lot of rejection.And nt everyone can be a model .You needed to have the height and also the beauty.

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