Does the media still hold power?

Does the media still hold power?

Before social media existed people relied what was written on the newspapers , online blogs ,Radio ,  Magazines . It was mainly by paper or sometimes you will find things online . And also television people could discover new things on there . The media doesn’t have as much power as they use to. Elon musk has encouraged journalists to write their news on Twitter . Instead of their own individual blogs or even other companies that they work for . People are getting it from Instagram or even Twitter . During the palestinian and Twitter people are following journalists on twitter where they are talking about what going on and giving updates. Where they are doing it in real time .

The people  who are on the internet.Are the ones who have power.When it comes to things travelling around the world. There are to many issue going around the world that gets ignored.However if it appeals to genz they can get it to  catch attention.And then it becomes a world wide issue.For example the sagtra strike catched a lot of people attention because it was affecting a lot of writers. And they are some celebrities that have donated .The strike and protest that they had was definitely worth it.As of today the sagtra strike is over . The deal includes  more protections around self-taped auditions, and pension caps would be raised for the first time in over four decades.

With the rise of Tik tok , and You Tube people are getting their news from everyday people online.When you look at young people who do commentary there is something refreshing about their content. That you don’t gte especially in the media . They are everyday people who experience everyhting that you experience and giving their commentary.And most of the time they tend to be progressive.Which a lot of these media companies are not very progressive but more conservative.

Technology will evolve . And millionaires and billionaires will always figure it out .On how to make more money .For example Instagram started noticing snapchat was the next big thing.And they copied their stories feature.People who are in business are always goign to find a way in this climate.Right now media is starting to look stale .Because of the rise of different platforms that we have. Platform like Twitter are bringing Tik tok content on Twitter . And it starts a conversation. People are not going on the internet to find mindblowing information.Even the the media platforms they post their content on Twitter Youtube .

Power when it comes to the people on the internet doesn’t exist anymore.They are so many option when we only had traditional media . We had to force ourselves to cinsume the content . People have options . And peop,e have their own power to be their own media us well. Soemoen can tweet about a serious going on in their city.And people can retweet and see for themselves what going on. In certain industries you can get black balled for talking about issues that affect the people in the creative industry so they avoid speaking up . However , the results that you get just by speaking up is endless.

People are doing things their own way now . For example Kylie jenner talked about not doing tradional media amrketing for her busine Kylie cosmetics.But using social media.Because that is her generation.And that how they consumer her content.Whereas her older sisters did the traditional media .Because maybe during their era that what their generation was use to every generation has something different for themselves, From the clothing music movies . There is a change going in 2023 especially when it comes to clothing.

Clothing companies use to rely on the media to advertise their products and get sales. And fast forward in the 21 century they are using celebrities to win sales. However , people are starting to question brands paying celebrities and influencers to advertise their own products.Because people will say anything to continue getting paid. These brand pay a lot of money to these influencers will they ever want to miss on the pie. They want to stay on the good graces of these brands so they won’t be honest about the clothing they get sent.That why there is controversy when it comes to brand strips

The media power has gone down over the years.And that has caused brands to look elsewhere . With social media people are doing their own review.And you don’t have to be an influencer or anythign.People can research a brand and if someone on tik tok is doing a review.They can get an idea of what the brand is like.Before even buying it.Before social media people didn’t always have the opportunity to do that . They had to always have to wait until they buy it.And that has change.Brand can easily get backlash that cause attention.And that can be the end of their brand.

People attention spans easily can go away . In this new media.That why many people don’tn like to stay on one platform.Media companies are creating Youtube videos.For example vice media have put their videos on Youtube and also tik tok there are clips that catches attention on Tik tok.Instagram is a platform that has gone down over the years because of the many different feature.It used to be a photo sharing platforms .Now it has turn into a market place for people to sell you things.Which can be a turn for the evryday person that is trying to use Instagram to speak to see her family and friends picture.

In conclusion people aren’t relying on the media anymore.And that why aspiring journalists or evn bloggers are creating their own media by having websites or building up their own platforms.On Instagram , Tik , Youtube . Songwriters should try and work to get the attention of independent journalists or even bloggers because people are relying on their platforms . A good example on twitter is this journalist called Philip lewis. He managed to create a jounalism career by using twitter. Songwriters could use twitter to build their platforms similar to philip lewis.

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