Does hardwork mean success?

Does hardwork mean success?

Hardwork is always being seeing as success. However , hardwork doesn’t guarantee success in the 21 century . Many people work hard and they don’t become successful. It’s more to do with luck . Luck plays a big part they have to somewhat believe it may or not work. They need to have that assurance that if this idea doesn’t work they would have to do other things . Many successful people they tried many things before 1 thing worked.Being a songwriter , poets or a lyricist they have to keep writing to find that big that will change their career. It may mean it will take 10 or 15 years to get to success.


Success is given by chance . If you’re already connected to an industry for example maybe your family member know this person that can help you get this opportunity . Nepotish is a real thing it has made given so many opportunity that wouldn’t have been given if they didn’t get a plug. The truth is that how you will become successful not by hard work. Furthemore , the evryday person works everyday to put food on the table.People will say just because you’re parents have connections it doesn’t mean you will also become successful.

Why Hard Work Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Success (

However , the fact that you’re given the chance based on your name or who you’re parents know. Just shows the difference between you and the average person. They have to build that networking before even given a chance for an opportunity .

The baby steps of building your name and then seeing if they will give it to you is not easy. The average person could loose hope and not even want to try .Because they feel like they don’t have the talent.Only a few people in the world will be given a chance to be successful and that tough for the average person to understand.

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