Did the rise of Technology hurt the Music industry?

Did the rise of Technology hurt the Music industry?

The music industry began with people showcasing their talent at Churches , Shows . Any type of public setting where they could perform and show their talent. Some of them where not trying to be professional singers. They had passion for singing. Singing may have been part of their generation in their family . Social media didn’t exist. However talent scout were always on the look out for the next big thing.The focus was more on singing and having talent . Talent was important during does times it wasn’t about creating a following online or having streams on spotify. It was more about what does the singer bring to the table.

During does times it wasn’t easy to get a producer like it is no where you can buy beats online. Musicians had to get discovered first and then producers will create beats for their Artist. In the 90s and 200s they evolved in looking fir their own producers and creating unique sounds. Producers were such a luxury they can make or break your career.Because being a producer was a respected field were not everyone would get opportunity to one all these websites were you can create beats and made it easy for upcoming wasn’t possible but now it is.

Did the rise of Technology hurt the Music industry?

Before the Internet

There was a strategic plan on to break an artist . The radio , newspaper , Tv were the main engines to break a star . The music that they would sing they wouldn’t normally write or produce.Most of the time all they had to do is sing the song and make it sell to the public. For example Whitney Houston biggest song I will always love you was written by Dolly parton.Whitney houston made the song even more popular. That people forget Dolly parton sang and wrote this song originally.

The Impact of Technology on the Music Industry – SUU

Music videos , listening to music wasn’t as accesible like it is now. That has changed and it has dilluted the music that we listen to today.Because people have more options when the music industry was gatekeept and only a few people could succed and have a career that when the value of having a cd and watching a music video on Tv was up.News papers were a way for people to discover a lot about an artist it was the internet before the internet even whhen to buy tickets where they buy it.When they are performing next? . Their next big song coming up.

Music at that time had to be unique . You couldn’t sound like everybody else. That why many young people till this day still sample music from the 90s. The music at that time has a unique edge that inspired a lot of yougen gen z . You will also hear people being inspired by Michael Jackson , Whitney Houston , Aretha franklin . Music today isn’t as unique as it should because the internet has given the opportunity for people who have no idea of making music and what does it mean to be a musician break in the industry just because they have a following.

The rise of the Internet

The rise of the internet was a big change in the music industry. They had to adapt to a whole new wave of a different generation.Suddently their music video was on Youtube , Cd’s was replaced by streaming platforms , News papers and dvd was replaced. By the rise of bloggers and these gossip websites.People were even more focus on their personal lives than ever . There has always been a rumor of the world biggest stars. However , it became even more of an issue when the internet became even more huge . They could just search themselves of what other people were saying that were not true and people would have access to that. If people didn’t buy Magazines and newspapers they wouldn’t really know what was going on with an Artist personal life.

Chloe bailey called out Dj envy for not listening to her album before interviewing her.In the 21 century many of these radio stations and bloggers and journalist are more focused on the musicians pernal life then their actual talent . It has had a big effect on the music industry because it’s not about their music anymore.

Did the rise of Technology hurt the Music industry?


The music has evolved and if people want music to be great again. They have to focus on what made people fall in love with music instead of complaining  on the fact that music doesn’t sound the same anymore and it isn’t good enough. Furthermore , focusing on talent and instead of worrying about their social media following will make a big difference. The music industry has to focus on creatign unique sounds if they want good music . Not having unique music and constantly getting inspiration and sampling and not being creative will make everybody music sound the same.

The problem is many people feel like the music industry isn’t worth it anymore. People are looking at it as an extra income stream . They know it will help their business and other project that they have going on . Music will expose to other opportunities that they are looking for. Musicians have been able to become actors , producers , directors , business owners , talk show host . The brand that they have created gives them an opportunity with so many other careers.Music industry experts don’t know how they going to make their money back. With streaming you need to have a lot of streams to make decent money.

The rise of technology meant they had to change the structure in how they will make their monye back. And in the 21 century many musicians do fashion collaboration they start  companies . Or even act in a movie Halle Bailey is a musician but is also an actress in a movie called little mermaid that became very successful all over the world. A lot of people do know who she is as a musician with her sister Chloe Bailey . However , her acting in little mermain has changed her career and the opportunities that has risen from it.


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