Damon dash

Damon dash

Is born in New york city. He has been hustling from the time that he was from a young age.He was sweeping floors at a local barbershop.And sold newspapers .There are some people when they turn 16 they are looking for retail or work in a Fast food restaurant.Some people would just rather do other things like this type of jobs.His mum died from an asthma attack.Of course when you loose your mom at  a young age.You have to figure out ways that you can survive.And that can be traumatising.Some people use that as a way of motivation when it comes

To becoming successful.He served as Jayz mnager and he co founded Roc a fella records. Damon and Jayz tried to go to different labels in trying to make sure that someone signs him.And many people didn’t want to .Age wise Jayz was a bit older then the other younger rappers.And sometimes that can be a barriers.And that is what.Damon dash was thinking as to why some labels didn’t want to sign Jayz.The label that they co founded with Jayz and Kareem became super successful and they did very well for themselves.It benefitteed them a lot because they could make their own decisions

In 199 he organized a tour for jayz which made 19 million . Damon dash is the brain when it comes to the success of the label  and he understood the Music business very well.Making 19 million especially with a Hip hop rapper isn’t the easiest thing.Because people feel like when it comes to Hip hop rappers they don’t really put the effort it.And they do other things .And feel like they are not worth it .Imagine during that time there was people like Celine dion and Whitney houston and also Michael jackson who were doing very well for themselves.

The relationship with Jayz wasn’t the same anymore and they went their own separate ways.Def jam purchased Roc a fella records.Jayz then became Roc a fella records.When it comes to business.It can get really busy because some people will put money first.And that can be a problem.Because people that are in the business because they want to create somehting for the culture would never do such a thing .However , The music industry money is such a big thing.And makes a huge difference.Epecially during does times.Money motivated the problems.And it was such a big thing.People only cared about that.

Damon dash started dating Aaliyah from 2000 to 2001 until her death and this affected him a lot because he told her  that he didn’t like the plane that she got on.It’s crazy when it comes to some people bad feelings about certain things.And it’s hard because she still went on.This really affected him because this is the second most important woman that he lost.And also his relationship with his co founder wasn’t going well us well.This was clearly a really difficult time for him.And he really had to be strong and face the public .Because this happens pubblicly and then people opinions .

Starting your own label isn’t easy . And they are so many things that can happen .Your competing with other labels.However , Damon dash is someone that likes to talk and is the person that did all of the talking he probably knows hot to negotiate.He is good at what he does.Making a label a success takes time and it needs a lot of work when it comes to Kareem and Jayz , Damon dash.He currently has 5 children and has been featured in Growing up hip hop.Which make sense.Because he has made a name for himself when it comes to hip hop and he is very important to the culture.

When it comes to the  Music industry if Damon dash was to create a label again the way that he would have to adopt is a lot .There are so many things that he would have to do when it comes to making sure that he is doing it.For example.Tik tok is such a big part when it comes to Musicians.There are so many artist that use that.And they feel like without it.They can’t really go anywhere.Because so many people use that.People don’t watch cable teelvision like that which some people feel like.It has affected the quality of the music.

To a certain extent Yes cable television not being used as a way of marketing has affected a lot of people when it comes to marketing .And that a problem.Youtube is a good platform for people to see the work in one go.You would have to wait until weeks when it comes to their next content.However , because of that some people have become lazy when it comes to Music videos.The music videos are not a big deal anymore and people are not putting in the effort like that anymore and that is a big problem.

Damon dash is important because of certain things that he has done in the music industry he is an inspiration when it comes to people scared to start their own businesses.He gives people courage to go ahead and do whatever that they want in life.This are normal people that decided to start their own labels and went ahead and competed against other people and also had their own clothing line and they did very well for themselves.When it comes to making sure that they expanded their brand they did well with it.They didn’t put themselves in one box

And they did what they had to do when it comes to making sure that it works out for them.Because business isn’t easy .Also when it comes to the Music industry you don’t know how long you can do this for.So in a way you have to make sure that you adopt and do other things so that you do not struggle .Or else or career may not go anywhere.And you will struggle when it comes to your career.So many people feel like they can just do whatever that they like when it comes to business.There are so many things that you have to do in order to do well in the Music business

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