
J Balvin

J Balvin J balvin was 16 years old and he participated in a exchange program.After the program he moved to new york.New york city is know for it’s vibrant.Multi ethnic immigrant city.And also Hip hop is birth from there.So it’s kind of a special place.He moved to New york to further study english.And as someone […]

The reality of being a One hit wonder as a musician

The reality of being a One hit wonder as a musician One hit wonders have to travel with that for the rest of their lives.They have to face the public when it comes crutiny that they are only known for one song.And that a very ahrd thing to go through publicly in front of everyone […]

How Tyla brand evolved?

How Tyla brand evolved?Tyla is born to a coloured family Zulu, Indian, Mauritian and Irish descent.There was controversy when it comes to her identifying herself as  coloured.Because in America that word is derogatory.That word was used in a bad way towards Black americans.And so that why there was controversy.However , in other countries using the […]

How the make up industry can revive?

How the make up industry can revive? The makeup industry was one of the most popular industry at a time.However in 2024 it has gone down.And it’s for many different reasons.The makeup industry has always been popular because people like to put products on their faces.And makeup products was one of them.Women used makeup to […]


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