Music – Mon, 25 Sep 2023 17:49:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How songwriters can build a fan base ? Mon, 25 Sep 2023 17:49:21 +0000 How songwriters can build a fan base ?

Aspiring rappers and Musicians will go on platforms like Love and hip hop .To grow their fan base .And sometimes it works.And sometimes it doesn’t.It’s not guaranteed that it will become successful.Aspiring rappers and Musicians have gone on does shows.And nothing has become succesful.You have to make music that reflects your fanbase.Howver with songwriters they can use this as an opportunity .To network especially if they go on reality tv shows .If the song becomes successful people will see .And more people would want you to write music for them because they have seen the success.

Constantly promoting yourself outside of social media.Finding other songwriting podcast where you can even plug you’re work.People make the mistake on just relying on social media.And not doing the work outside too.And they never ever see results.People they all want to have the same story of.Being discovered on social media.Which rarely happens.Most people will never get discovered.And doing the work outside too will make you stand out.because many people are only doing the work on social media.Finding other Songwriters who blog about songwriters or even songwriting events in your city.People underestimate these opportunities.But you never know who you will meet.

Following you’re favourite songwriters and seeing if they will ever do  a workshop.It could even help you get a placement.Established songwriters know the business very well It’s good to ask them .Because they know the ins and out of the music industry.Going to these events will help you increase you’re knowlegdge .And meet people from all over the world.It’s good to get advice from someone who has been in the industry for a long time.They have all the answers.And understand how to make it work.Established songwriters have done things that have worked for them.It doesn’t mean it will work for you.

Starting you’re own blog can also help out too.Blogs are effective because it can reach the whole world.If you know how to do SEO.Writing blog posts that reflect the song that you wrote.It doesn’t have to be about the songwriting industry.You can talk about anything.Howver , it needs to reflect the song .The song can be the market .Link your blog posts to the song that you wrote.People may click on it .If people find it interesting.Make sure the blog posts that you write is eye catching.And would make people want to click on it.Because if they do a lot of blog posts can link you and send you traffic.

There are songwriters that are introvers and don’t like to meet new people .However for the extroverts you can use our website to connect with other writers .And you don’t have to phisically meet up .With technology you can use our website to even make songs together.It can work out well for the both of you.If the song is actually good.It can help other writers with their writing skills.Improving you’re wriitng skills is very improtant.Because it’s the only way.You will get consistent placements if the song does very well.

Songwriters have to connect with Journalists , Tv host , Radio host , A&R,DJ’S.These people are very instrumental in making songwriters successful.Many musicians know if they go on shows like Oprah.That a big deal.And not something small.They know the opportunity that will come after.If a songriter that has written a good song.Goes on a tv show host that is very popular it can really help their careers.Journalists that write for popular publication can you the free traffic.Radio host are always providn the audience with new music.A&R are always looking for fresh new talents.And Dj’s are always on the look out for good new music to get their audience excited.

Creating a relationship with Dj’s is very improtant because they can get you’re msuic that you wrote very popular in youre’ city.People underestimate DJ’s but they have a lot of power .Connecting with other DJ’s in person is very important.It’s not enough to just send their music .But building an actual relationship.A lot of celebrities when they were coming up would connect with blogging sites.To help them become successful The would even have publicist as friends.That way they can promote them on the blogs and create stories about them.It’s a good strategy to have.

In conclusion , songwriter need to look beyond social media.And stepping out from their comfort zone is improtant.Or else you will never grow.Songwriters can be very introverted and just within themselves.It’s not a bad thing if that you.Listening to the fanbase when it comes to what they want .Look at what other fanbase want in other musicians and see if you can incorporate it in yours.Listening to their demands.Can make a big difference if you do it well.That why our website gives people to comment .Supporters can give their own opinion on a song .That you will make a singer sing.

Songwriters can do this without showing their faces.They can create a logo.And release music on there .Using streaming platforms and Youtube.Look at does platforms liek the aftermath of promotion.If you’re writing an inspirational song.It’s good .If you can start a market campaign around it .Spreading the song all over you’re friendship circle.Can really make a difference.Their used to be promotion tours where musicians would actively promote their music.And it will become successful if the promotion is successful.Success can take time especially for songwriters .However , it might not happen.A lot of sogwriters don’t become successful.Successful musicians do a lto of pormotion to get their return.

Fan base takes time to build.People create fan base it different ways.By giving people good advice.People can plug you from other people to give advice.Also connecting with the right people.Being intentional about you’re circle that can give you opportunites it’s also important.It doesn’t mean you become friends with people that give you opportunities.But having a small circle of friends that can understand the music business.And how to market and what type of music that you should make to get placements.People need to understand the business more .It can help you be more aware of  the politics of the industry.

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How Beauty and Music are related? Sun, 10 Sep 2023 22:57:15 +0000 How Beauty and Music are related?

Beauty and Music are related because . In the music industry people don’t want to admit this .However , your looks can really help you further your career.The most successful musicians a lot of them have beauty lines and skin care lines now.It wasn;t popular for singers to have beauty lines.A changed happened and many singers were starting beauty lines.When music labels have a hard time marketing a musicians music to success.They may use their youthful beauty to sell music.Age can be a factor because a lot of people believe that women are only beautiful when they are young.

Beauty can die out .And so can music.Especially in 2023.Musicians have a hard time staying relevant in 2023.Because of the constant music being released.If they don’t come out with a good song.No one will remember them.After  a certain period of time.People may not remember them.Models beauty can fade away.Especially when they get older.People may not want to see older people model as much as the young person.That why many people feel like .After 30 if there is a sign of ageing.The model might not be booked as much for shows and photoshoots because she doesn’t look the same anymore.

Modelling industry is brutal because of the fact that it’s all about your looks.It can affect somebody self esteem .If they don’t already have the confidence.Women can have insecurities already .And people can say that you’re not good enough for them.Modelling industry has also changed with the rise of social media.Making it difficult for people to distinguish between runway models and Instagram models.Which is a total different industry .Then what runway have to see on a daily basis.Some people feel like Instagram models have dilluted what it means to be a model.And it’s not taking as seriously as much.

Music and Beauty has a big influence on a young person life.The music that they listen to can have affect on someone’s life positively or negatively.And same with Beauty it can be positive or negative .Because maybe the beauty standard that the influencers .Influences can be very negative.Influencers have  ahuge power.Especially nowadays a lot of young people do purchases because of what the influencer that they follow said.They feel like they have the expertees in what product is good or isn’t good.Before people would just take on risk or ask people that have used it if it’s good.However , influencers have definitely spending among their followers.

The same with beauty people are spending even more on cosmetic surgery to look like their favourite influencers. Social media has exposed a lot more to a person  then it should.There are people who do house tours , daily vlogs of what their life is they show their children alot.They talk about their personal life.There is that parasocial relationship that people feel like they know.And that they are their friends . It’s a lot more then just people being influence in what they do.They feel like they have their best interest alsomost like their best friend.

BBL are very popular procedure.And many young women are getting it because they may not feel confident with their body that they already have.Influencers have definitely had a huge impact on young women wanted to get surgery.The information that they are given them.Some are looking for the cheapest way to get cosmetic surgery.Because it is expensive.The procedure is a very dangerous surgery because they are opening up you’re body.And you might not make it out alive.It could be the worst decion of you’re live if it goes wrong in the future.You might even get complication because of the surgery.That the reality

Musicians music can also be negative especially with their influence.The can influence violence in their music.Which can be dangerous.Music is very powerful.Whatever you say can backfire on you.There has been debates online about drill music and it’s influence on young people.People feel like the lyrics can be  anegative influecen on younger children.And it can encourage violence.I’ts important that if you have a child listening to their music .Esepcially if they are children . Children listen and do what other adults do.Adults might be able to control what good or bad music to listen to but children do not.Younger people like to follow the crowd and trends.They may find it cool

Music can also have an effect on musicians themselves.People listen to other musicians a lot and try to copytheir sound .Instead on focusing on being original.That can also make their music loose interest in the audience.Models nowadays are being replaced by nepotism babies.They are being more popular.Then hearing about the working class becoming successful by being discovered.The shifft on the industry focusing on the ones that already have the connections could make people loose interest in models.There is no authenticity in models if they all become successful through nepotism.It can become discouraging for the everyday model.

Beauty and music are in their own lane evolving.Music is evolving to making people who make catchy music successful.Instead on focusing on artist development .Beauty is moving towards the nepotism .Which can backfire.If they don’t focus on everyday people.Catchy music isn’t sustainable in the long run.People will get tired . And the song will fade away.People still listen to music from the 80s and 90s because of the fact that they are good.can music from 2020s have an effect 50 years from now.It may not be the same as the 80s and 90s because of the era of the music industry.

Beauty can have the same effect .Especially with people getting cosmetic surgery .People may even start to look the same.And it would be difficult for people to care about the models.Designers have a specific look that they want to see .when you look at the models from the 90s and 80s they had a unique look.That you didn’t see everyday. And the truth is that how designers want models to look.It’s a tough industry that why there is a lot of rejection.And nt everyone can be a model .You needed to have the height and also the beauty.

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How to write a hit song? Mon, 04 Sep 2023 22:41:56 +0000 How to write a hit song?

Valenzio team is not experts in writing hit songs.However as listeners we know what we like to hear from a musician.Writing songs is not easy.It’s a skill that requires practice.You won’t write your first song ever and it will become a hit.You have to write it a lot of times.To get the sound that you actually want .Wrters have many songs.That have been thrown in the bin because for them it wasn’t good enough.There are writers out there that are very hard on themselves when it comes to the sound.They want it to be perfect.

Topic of the song is actually important.It represents the vibe of the song.Writing the song that you can relate to is always good because.When you write it will be easy to put the words together , to blend in well.Furthemore , you can also think about the things that have happened to you in life.That you really hard.Make notes of it and see how you can make it into sentences.Don’t be afraid to take as much notes as you need.Tke your time don’t rush.Writing  a song could even take hours or minutes.Some hit songs can be written in 15 minutes.Depends on your skill.

Lyrics you have to think about what type of lyrics do you want it to be.Soft lyrics or hard lyrics or in the middle.There is a science behind that .It’s always good to analize other songs and see the difference.You can take inspiration.However , don’t full on copy it.Because people can tell.Nowadays people on social media feel like a lot of music sound the same.if people notice you’re song sound too similar.They can become uninterested because it sound like the artist that they listen to.People want to hear original and unique music.Music in 2023 people want to hear a different sound.

A lot of people take inspiration from the 90s which is not a bad thing.However , that can sometimes get boring.If you keep on borrowing from the past.People want to hear something fresh and new.Hit songs are unpredictable.You will never know which one can change your life.Sometimes is the unexpected one.When you do write a hit song.You have to keep sustaining the hit status or else you will be burn out very quickly.People are releasing music very easily nowadays  there’s a lot more competition then before.Because music has become accessible many people have been wanting to make it their career..Because of the possibliity now.

There’s also a lot of people who are not as talented becoming musicians.Technology has given as the opportunities that wasn’t possible for the average everyday person.It’s wonderful for people to become successful.However , when it’s the one that are not as talented it can become problematic.Music industry use to be a place where only talented peoplw ould be able to make it.Now it has changed and labels are chasing for the next tik tok stars.When writing songs melodies are important and on Tik tok if people like certain songs .It can get attention.Writers shouldn’t worry about social media attention from their music.

Is writing hit Songs sustainable?

There are people who can write hit songs back to back.And then there are others who’s not sustainable later on you will get writers block.And sometimes after a certain time in theiir careers.They hire professional writers.To write their hit songs for them .Which might work or not.Professional writers who have a catalog can help other writers write better music.However, many people are struggling to consistently write hit songs consistently.Gen z have seen a lot of one hit wonders that haven’t been able to sustain it .They have to doother things to get more attention.Sometimes they go on reality tv shows

Reality tv shows have helped break out some people Or it has made other people who became one hit wonders.Another revenue stream.People don’t plan to go on reality tv shows.Especially for people who worked hard to get themselves in the music industry.However , making music that everyone likes isn’t easy in the 2020s.You have a lot more to prove.Beyonce is on tour doing well.And selling out shows.This happens because she has been in the music industry for a long time.People are always going to respect the musicians who havebeen in the business for long.

Writers have to make sure that they are being true to their craft.They need to create their own trends and lane.Cardi b went on a reality show and utilize that platform to become a successful rapper.Some people feel like going on reality tv shows are not good and people may not take you seriously.However , if you use the platform seriously to you’re advantage it can make a difference.It can really help you in getting more opportunities being on tv.Writers need to utilize any platform to their ability. Going to networking events for songwriters it’s always good to connect with other professionals.

Professional writers sometimes speak at events where they give tips to aspiring writer.Platforms like can help when it comes to finding events for writers to learn and grow.It’s not enough to practice.You ahve to make connection.Making your foot in the door.Follow you’re favourite songswriters and see when it’s their next events that they will have.Networking is something that people don’t talk about.Becoming a songwriter who want to make hit songs consistently is understand more about the business.And the truth is that when you write songs for musicians that are already legend.It will most liekly be a hit song ebcause of who they are.

When you write songs for other musicians who just have one hit songs.You are taking on a big risk .Networking will be the key to your success meeting people that can take you tr=hrough does doors.To meet already successful legendary musicians.Marketing is you’re bestfriend do you have a youtube channel?Tik tok?what content are you making can it translate to listeners.For some people it works .And for other it doesn’t.If you’re already making content on Yotube and you write a hit songs it might already catch traction.If you have an establshed fan basa.For example Bethany mota a beauty guru was alreaso releasing music that did well.

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What impact AI can have in the music industry? Thu, 31 Aug 2023 02:33:01 +0000 What impact AI can have in the music industry?

There are musicians all over the world that cannot produce or even studio time.Studio time can be expensive and some people would rather look for other affordable ways . AI can help minimize the cost.And they can record their vocals on their phone.This can help musicians get their music fast.Musicians from the 90s had to get professional producers that believed in their craft.Things like Beat stars or fiver where they can buy beats on there didn’t exist.Professional producers where they will have a studio.And have their vocals done by them.The production was always good .

Youtubers sometimes go on free instrumental website .Where there isn’t any copyright claims if they use it.AI can have an impact people may not want to use does websites where they can pay or use for free thei music that they want on their video.If AI meets their requirement .It can really help out when it comes to their videos.Some Youtubers care about the music that they use.Some just want an instrumental that they can use to make their videos not hit with copyright. Websites could die down when it comes to people paying for instrumentals that they can use or even for free.

Movies sometimes use music from popular musician.Especially if they are more established.Movies may feel like if they use AI it could help them cut down cost because they might not have to pay royalties.Movies can ask for what they want in the song and the lyrics.They will have more of a say when they use this product.It can help thm get the music that they actually want to hear in their movies.Movies need to have a music that connect with their viewes.Hallelujah on shrek is a big song on the movie.It can make the movie more exciting

AI can have an affect on what music to pick.AI Can even determined what songs can have hits.They could determin what music should be placed on an album or even single.There is a lot of conflict when it comes to music.And if AI makes consistent predictions.Then important people may not be hired as much.A lot of the jobs.In the music industry could even die out.Especially if they can make the job done faster.Music is moving at a faster pace.New musicians are coming out . They can things easier.However , having someone that has an ear for music is always a plus.

is AI music even good?.Music industry may always prefer to use.Real life people to record.Even if things become quicker.Music is constantly evolving streaming has taken over the music industry.Soundcloud has made a huge impact in the music industry.AI winner could be taken music from different places and molding it together .If you have an idea of what you want your song to sound like you can use AL and then let your producer listen to it.So that the producer has an idea . Singers could sometimes have a difficult time on how they want their sound to sound like

The negative impact

Songwriters and producers could easily be replaced if AI makes good music.Producers and ssongwriters in 2023.Are having a hard time making music that is classic. In 2023 people are still listening to music from the 90s 80s and early 2000s because the music is good.A lot of music doesn’t have a lot of replay value.AI can make music that has a lot of replay value.People will use it.If can really change society behavious.Music has a lot of influence in younger people.And some people think about how the song should sound.

Furthermore, The lack of creativity can make people feel lazy in music.If AI makes all of the work fro them.They are not going to put a lot of effort in their craft.Music in 2023 has lost it’s value.Because of the era that we are in with social media.It can be amplified with singers relying on the AI for it to make good music.The music could even sound  the same.One thing that people complain about is music sounding the same SWX has even said that a lot of musicians sound the same.People are influenced by what they hear.And they don’t become original with it.

The legal issues towards ownership.Ownership in the music industry is very controversial especially for producers and songwriters. They don’t always have ownership of the song especially if their a lot of producers and writers involved.With AI it could make it even more challenging to even understand who gets a cut of it.If the singers get owership she can get in trouble.Some people may even argue that it’s not even yours .And you can’t have a claim of the song.There has to be a law when it comes to AL music so people don’t get confused.That why producers and songwriters are important.

The music industry can be dilluted and it can even loose money.People are already not seeing artist live as much as they use to.Music already doesn’t have a lot fo money.Unless you consistently make hits songs.Which is diffcult to do.People may not even be interested in the music industry as much if that the case.They will just rely on listening to old school music.Old school music has a lot of replay value.people are still sampling music from the 90s.That the impact that music from the 90s have.Can AI music have that type of impact?.is there any replay value?.Music industry is a business they need to constantly see money.

Napster was a disruption in the music industry.AI could possibly be a disruption in anegative way.Napster made music very accessible.Which made easier to get.People were not buying CD’s as much because of this technology of downloading music online.And they were hit with lawsuits.Because they didn’t ask for permission.Is the same with lyric website if they don’t ask for permission their website can get shut down.AI music could also face situations were it can backfire.Music has become accessible and people feel like their isn’t respect for the craft.People have to make good music to get an audience.And nowadays it’s difficult to stay relevant.Artist development isn’t being used as much as it should because the music industry are more focused on getting the quick money.

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Why it’s hard to be a successful songwriter? Thu, 17 Aug 2023 22:38:03 +0000 Why it’s hard to be a successful songwriter?

Labels are looking for Tik tok music that can become successful.They are not thinking about the long term when it comes to these musicians.Tik tok music is just a viral moment.It doesn’t guarantee a career.When you release an album that when you will see . Musicians that have viral moment on Tik tok when they release their album.They don’t sell enough in the first week.Music also is not respected as it used to.It lost it’s value.Mainly because it became too accessible . It gave people who have no musical talent an opportunity just because they can make catchy music.

Catchy music in 2023.Young people love because they can do dances.And if it goes viral it helps their Tik tok following.Back in the 90s it wasn’t about Tik tok.You had to be consistence making music that were good on a consistent music.Sometimes they will have 100s of songs that they havent released.Cause the label picks what makes sense.Making music has changed .Technology has evolved.Technology hurt the music industry when it comes to making real authentic real music.However , it has given opportunities for people all over the world to become successful writers.Nija charles was discovered on Instagram.

Youtube , Tik tok , Soundcloud has helped the music industry. However , the negative side is musicians chasing virality.Which could affect songwriters jobs.Songwriters job is competitive they have to be motivated to keep writing and making songs that are good.The skill to make good music all the time.Only a few writers will benefit. People think the minute they get a hit as a writer they are set.That not how it works.There has to be a catalog of songs written that have done well.Successful writers have to go though hardships.Before they can get themselves on their feet with making songs as a career.

Songwriters don’t have a stable job.They have to keep relying on royalties .That can take a long time before they even receive a payment. They need full time jobs that can pay them to survive.Ester dean revealed it took 7 years for her to quit the job that she was working for.That may be the case for everyone else.Some people are lucky and it’s earlier.And other people it’s way later.If you have someone that guide through the business side of the music industry.And isn’t taking advantage.It can help especially for musicians who don’t the industry.

Social media has given opportuntiy to see everybody life.Writers see other writers becoming successful.And they become envious.Furthemore, it can make you feel like you aren’t doing enough in life.Writers don’t even know how to put themselves out there.Most writers put their music out on Youtube and other streaming platform .And hope that it catches traction.While doing no promotion and marketing themselves.Writers when they are starting out have to operate like a business if they want success.They constantly have to promote the same song over again . They also have to be active on social media for opportunities.A&r are using social media to find talent.They may find you.

The music industry has it’s own politics.When comes to giving people credit.Musicians may take more then they should.Musicians have ghost writers. Marketing is important . Making yourself seem like you write all of the songs on the album.Will make you appear better . However , the music industry is a business. They have to keep making themselves look good their supporters.If you’re a musician who can’t sing marketing yourself as a songwriter on all of the hit songs. Can help people take you seriously as an artist.If you can sing. Writers are normally used for good singers.They will use writers that know how to make classic music that is long term.

The most successful songwriters will take break from writing.Because they are not feeling inspired.They want to make music that speaks well to their audience.They don’t want to make mediocre music.Writers block is inevitable.Having a clear mind can help in writing better songs.However , it doesn’t gurantee that you can make good music again.Sometimes you realise the talent you once had you don’t have it anymore.One hit wonders happens if you’re chasing viral music.Making music that can speak to people 20 years later should the goal.The music industry needs to go back to that.

Musicians also don’t have the type of engine musicians use to have.The engine that will help them consistently make good music.Also helping them promote their music.That can translate into a successful career.If a writer works with a musician that is a one hit wonder is a waste of time.If a musicians has to solely rely on writers and producers to create magic for her.And she doesn’t have a good ear for music.It’s a bad business partnership for the writer and producer.Because many musicians have no musical talent . It makes it difficult for writers to have a stable monthly income.Because they music industry doesn’t have structure.

The chorus is one of the most important part of a song.Writers should be focusing on writing the best chorus ever.This needs more of a discusssion.Instead of spending time writing a verse.Chorus should be spent as much as you need.Some people can write a good chorus in a few minutes . Spice girls if you wanna be my lover was written in 15 minutes.Writers need to have many choruses written so that when they start writing the verse .They won’t have to stress out as much.That when the writers block can appear.If not making good choruses.

Lack of collaboration.Many writers have written songs with other writers.They can really help when it comes to ideas .The competitive nature of the music industry can sometimes make it hard . Collaborating especially with the same writers can help when it comes to making good music.Missy elliot and timbaland worked togther and it worked for them.Writer should find writers that mach their musical talent.It can be the cheat code in helping you making songs that are hits.Writers are using Tik Tok which they can use if they want.However , when making the song it should be a song that will be remebered down the line.

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The most popular sad songs Fri, 30 Jun 2023 17:36:43 +0000 .The most popular sad songs

Sad songs have a big effect on music . They can change someone mood from happiness to sadnes . It’s a very popular topic to talk about because people can relate in people being sad. It can also have an effect on someone  life . Sometimes supporters feel like they can help them with depression . There are certain musicians like Billie eilish , Lil peep and even Juice Wrld it’s clear that people who have been through a lot have an effect on somes life.

Lyrics impact

The most popular sad songs

Adele someone like you- It was a break out hit for  it made her really popular during the 2010 era. The song had a huge impact because of the meaninful lyrics . When you write lyrics that are based on your perspectives and not  a story it can help a lot of people .  The Uk also helped Adele because there wasn’t a lot of Artist from the uk . The most mainstream musician are all from America . Having a british accent and having a good sounding voice and writing deep lyrics made her win in the industry.

Diddy ft Faith evans i’be missing you – This song was  about loosing someone . Biggie and Diddy were  close and faith was married to him and also has a child . Furthermore , it became a hit because there hasn’t really been  a funeral song anthem in the music industry. Many people all over the world like to use it for their loved ones . It can  be very emotional for someone who lost someone very close to them. Biggie was a  rapper in hip hop diddy helped him become succesful . When you loose someone like that writing a song could be very successful if the relationship was real.

The most popular sad songs

Akon lonely – Akon has a unique tone and melody . This song hit a lot of his supporters because of the repetition of lonely . Certain lyrics can hit someone deeply . Lonely kept being repeated . And many people can relate to it. Akon was also originally from a different continent.

His success came from making catchy melodies. His voice was very different from what people were listening . During his times hip hop was dominating .

Eminem ft Rihanna love the way you lie – Rihanna was a young woman coming up in the music industry and eminem was an establisher rapper in Hip hop. This song was about an abusive relationship . Both of these musicians have been going through a lot in there relationship publicly . It makes sense why a song like this is perfect for these 2 they both can relate to it . When you have been through a lot in a relationship in the public eye it makes sense to make a song about it . Furthermore , supporters could relate to it and feel better about themselves because abusive relationship are a touchy sibject.

Serious sad songs

Black eyed peas where is the love – This group comes from america so it only makes sense why they would want to talk about political things in their music . Musicians are advised to not talk about politics because it can affect their brand .

The song was released in 2003 after the 9/11 situation and also America invading iraq . This song was important for the whole world to hear about the injustices.

Song became successful because it was released at the right time . It wasn’t to late or too early it was perfect.  Musicians don’t like to talk about it so having black eyed peas talk about politics made other people also feel heard.

Michael Jackson Heal the world – Michael Jackson was a big super star people would faint by just seeing him . His fame was unbelievable . There would probably be not another michael jackson that would be as famous. His music is very powerful in the music industry .Making the song about making the world a better place was perfect for him. He would always talk about poverty . Michael would always go to the continent and help out the poor children in third world countries . The position that Michael jackson was  he can bring more awareness on what going on about the world.

The most popular sad songs

Miley Cyrus wrecking ball – Miley cyrus has grown up in the public eye with Hannah Montana being her debut. Hannah montana was very popular among children and young people . With that miley cyrus went into the music industry a she grew she changed her image and music . She went through public relationship . The public has witness miley’s growth in  the music industry . Wrecking ball was after the break up that she had and the controversy that she had at the vmas. It made sense for her to make this song aftter was she went though the song was originally for beyonce.

Mariah carey We belong together –  always known to always make melodic songs. Her voice , music and lyrics are legendary . There isn’t a lot of singers that sound like her that what makes her unique her voice is an instrument . She also grew up in a generation where you needed to know how to sing to blow . It wasn’t easy to become successful if you didn’t have talent .Then you didn’t have  a change record labels and fans wanted to real music. Music in 2023 isn’t like that each generation differs in sound and quality

Labrinth Jealous – Labrinth father walked out of his life at 4 years old . A pain of a child can cause damage in adulthood. Singers have a tough childhood that they have to go through before they become successful. It’s the job of the musicians to put lyrics of pain for everyone to relate.It will help you out write better songs . The best songs are always the one that have actually happened and you can relate.Doesn’t have to be real . However , songwriters have to make the listeners believe it’s real. Songs today a a lot are viral by luck . It’s a risk to always rely on going viral.

Sam smith i’m not the only one – It talks about his love life . Sam sexuality is rare in the music industry. There aren’t many in the industry. This can make sam more relatable . Moreover , his sound had an old school vibe . Coming from the uk they draw inspiration from from the states when it comes to music .

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Did the rise of Technology hurt the Music industry? Sun, 18 Jun 2023 22:30:03 +0000 Did the rise of Technology hurt the Music industry?

The music industry began with people showcasing their talent at Churches , Shows . Any type of public setting where they could perform and show their talent. Some of them where not trying to be professional singers. They had passion for singing. Singing may have been part of their generation in their family . Social media didn’t exist. However talent scout were always on the look out for the next big thing.The focus was more on singing and having talent . Talent was important during does times it wasn’t about creating a following online or having streams on spotify. It was more about what does the singer bring to the table.

During does times it wasn’t easy to get a producer like it is no where you can buy beats online. Musicians had to get discovered first and then producers will create beats for their Artist. In the 90s and 200s they evolved in looking fir their own producers and creating unique sounds. Producers were such a luxury they can make or break your career.Because being a producer was a respected field were not everyone would get opportunity to one all these websites were you can create beats and made it easy for upcoming wasn’t possible but now it is.

Did the rise of Technology hurt the Music industry?

Before the Internet

There was a strategic plan on to break an artist . The radio , newspaper , Tv were the main engines to break a star . The music that they would sing they wouldn’t normally write or produce.Most of the time all they had to do is sing the song and make it sell to the public. For example Whitney Houston biggest song I will always love you was written by Dolly parton.Whitney houston made the song even more popular. That people forget Dolly parton sang and wrote this song originally.

The Impact of Technology on the Music Industry – SUU

Music videos , listening to music wasn’t as accesible like it is now. That has changed and it has dilluted the music that we listen to today.Because people have more options when the music industry was gatekeept and only a few people could succed and have a career that when the value of having a cd and watching a music video on Tv was up.News papers were a way for people to discover a lot about an artist it was the internet before the internet even whhen to buy tickets where they buy it.When they are performing next? . Their next big song coming up.

Music at that time had to be unique . You couldn’t sound like everybody else. That why many young people till this day still sample music from the 90s. The music at that time has a unique edge that inspired a lot of yougen gen z . You will also hear people being inspired by Michael Jackson , Whitney Houston , Aretha franklin . Music today isn’t as unique as it should because the internet has given the opportunity for people who have no idea of making music and what does it mean to be a musician break in the industry just because they have a following.

The rise of the Internet

The rise of the internet was a big change in the music industry. They had to adapt to a whole new wave of a different generation.Suddently their music video was on Youtube , Cd’s was replaced by streaming platforms , News papers and dvd was replaced. By the rise of bloggers and these gossip websites.People were even more focus on their personal lives than ever . There has always been a rumor of the world biggest stars. However , it became even more of an issue when the internet became even more huge . They could just search themselves of what other people were saying that were not true and people would have access to that. If people didn’t buy Magazines and newspapers they wouldn’t really know what was going on with an Artist personal life.

Chloe bailey called out Dj envy for not listening to her album before interviewing her.In the 21 century many of these radio stations and bloggers and journalist are more focused on the musicians pernal life then their actual talent . It has had a big effect on the music industry because it’s not about their music anymore.

Did the rise of Technology hurt the Music industry?

The music has evolved and if people want music to be great again. They have to focus on what made people fall in love with music instead of complaining  on the fact that music doesn’t sound the same anymore and it isn’t good enough. Furthermore , focusing on talent and instead of worrying about their social media following will make a big difference. The music industry has to focus on creatign unique sounds if they want good music . Not having unique music and constantly getting inspiration and sampling and not being creative will make everybody music sound the same.

The problem is many people feel like the music industry isn’t worth it anymore. People are looking at it as an extra income stream . They know it will help their business and other project that they have going on . Music will expose to other opportunities that they are looking for. Musicians have been able to become actors , producers , directors , business owners , talk show host . The brand that they have created gives them an opportunity with so many other careers.Music industry experts don’t know how they going to make their money back. With streaming you need to have a lot of streams to make decent money.

The rise of technology meant they had to change the structure in how they will make their monye back. And in the 21 century many musicians do fashion collaboration they start  companies . Or even act in a movie Halle Bailey is a musician but is also an actress in a movie called little mermaid that became very successful all over the world. A lot of people do know who she is as a musician with her sister Chloe Bailey . However , her acting in little mermain has changed her career and the opportunities that has risen from it.


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Music and Fashion partnership Wed, 14 Jun 2023 15:56:16 +0000 Music and Fashion partnership

Music and Fashion play a major role in today’s society . Musicians could have big influence in how everybody dresses if they have good fashion sense.Kanye west created a brand called Yeezy .Furthermore , his shoes are very popular among young people .

Kanye becoming a musician first and then leading towards the fashion and shoe industry was a good move. Kanye partnership with Adidas made the company more relevant again because people were looking towards Puma or Nike.

Nike and Puma were very good with doing partnerships with other sport stars so people were always buying for them . A controversy that happened with kanye west resulted on leaving the partnership with kanye which affect Adidas Kanye West Yeezy loss is hurting us, admits Adidas – BBC News


Music and Fashion partnership can help boost sales of an already struggling brand . That why many small business clothing brand are always hoping for influencers to discover their clothing brand that why they can promote it on their page or even wear it and give it a shout out.Many of these small brand smay not be able to afford to pay influencers to pay for their brands so sometimes they may just market their brand by using Tik Tok , Twitter , Instagram and that could result in sales.

Music and Fashion partnerships whenever there’s an award show . Brand will send celebs clothes for them to wear it helps when it comes to attention . The bloggers will talk about what they are wearing and it will give more exposure to the brand . When it comes to their wedding they may be the one designing the dress. For example Jennifer lopez wore 3 Ralph lauren dress.It was mentioned by so many websites  . Jennifer lopez is a brand doing partnership with brands can only happen if you’ve built a brand.

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Careers in the Music industry Mon, 29 May 2023 21:09:10 +0000 Careers in the Music industry

Top 10 Careers in the Music Business (and How Much Money You Can Make) – Berklee Online Take Note

Musician – They sing and perform as a living. They will peform on tour , festivals .  Even weddings and parties if they get booked for it.They also sometimes write and produce their own music . A lof of musicians have writers and producers. However , they also have people creating their own dance routines. They may have a package as abrand when it comes to their Songs , Albums. Musician could also expand themselves beyond music . They can start brands and even work within the music industry as a judge on X factor.Get paid well if you become a legend.

Audio engineer – Responsible for capturing the sound and translating it in the studio . Capturing, mixing, or reproducing sound using electronic audio equipment. The field is broad, since it’s applied to music, television, film, and other media channels. If this is your passion you can pick any industry that you’re interested in . When you listen to old school music they would sometimes have special effects. Or have some sort of shout out effect in the music that you would listen to.  Audio engineers create that special unique effect. The production side has many jobs that are required to complete.


Session Musician- You can be a backup performer or perform on stage with the Musician as a helper . It can lead to a careers as a musician if done properly. However , this is good as a begineer and getting yourself out there. There have been singers that have used other upcoming musicians on their vocal .

When you listen to their Music you can tell it’s not there voice. When a new musicians is getting popular they like to use other vocalist on their music to enhance their sound more. This can create opportunities and jobs for aspiring musician.They can build a following.


Producer – Takes care of the production of the song . They sometimes have audio engineer help then with effects. They are very important in the music industry making sure the song has the right sound and beat. Not having a good beat can have an effect in how the song will translate on the chart. The views may not be as much on Youtube.Producers create a lot of value in the music busines.They need to make sure the songs sound good all the time and if it doesn’t they won’t get paid well.They can’t rely on their 9 to 5 job . It’s more about their creativity.

Songwriter – This job is good for someone who doesn’t want to be famous . Staying lowkey and making a decent amount of money. They are many different Genres, Styles , Sound that you can do . Songwriters have to write songs that can get picked by the Music industry. Their job is to write songs that can appeal to million of people all over the world. This type of job is not for everyone need to get use to getting rejected all the time . It will take a long time to make this job a career especially when you’re just starting out.

Careers in the Music industry

Behind the scenes

Artist Manager – They create opportunities for their clients whether its collaborating with other musicians . Booking them performances , they may also give them advice on what they should do.They manage their daily life and it could be 7 days a week on what they have coming up.Manager need to believe in their acts . It has to work and if it doesn’t it’s a waste of time and resources. The music industry is heading into a different route .And as a manager it’s your job to lead the way on branding and how to package yourself .  Media training on what to say on social Media or not.

Tour Manager –  They travel with bands or Musicians they manage their daily life for when they are on tour they give out information. They are very important they help them stay organize. You’re the behind-the-scenes mastermind who has hands in every piece of transportation, accommodation, scheduling, and finances of a tour. Making sure that things go smooth . Understading the business of touring is essential the business side of how many countries and which cities are the best . Is very important to know.

Careers in the Music industry

Music Teacher – They may teach music theory or even in instrument . Depending on what school you go to. Thy can help you understand the logistics behind music . The history of music. They don’t normally teach you on how to break in the music industry. It’s more like make sure you have a nice voice can play an instrument or even produce a little.They may ask you for homework make a song for the whole to perform. They will help you with connecting with other musicians.Good experience and networking for the future.

Booking agent-Booking agents facilitate a lot of the logistics around live performances, including securing concert venues, negotiating deals, arranging technical equipment, and hospitality.This can be a lucrative career if you have clients that are successful in the music industry.

In 2023 just because you have a lot of views on YouTube it doesn’t always mean people will buy tickets to come and see you perform.

They work closely with promoters just making sure that they are promoting it in the right area.This can be diffcult if you’re not good with networking . This job is important because you have to understand the capacity . Imagination when it comes to how many people can fit in the venue.

Careers in the Music industry


Music Publicist – A music publicist works closely with media outlets, marketers, and venues.Publicists ensure that their musicians’ concerts, releases, and announcements are covered by the media .  you’re work will be shown in the media . They can help take you to the next level. If you’re an upcoming musician using a publicist instead of journalist would be better because of journalism dying a little bit . People aren’t reading like that they just want quick and efficient information about an Artist.

A&R Administrator – Negotiates terms to secure rights to songs, masters tracks, delivers songs to DSPs, and ensures projects are under budget.

They take care general administrative tasks such as coordinating and maintaining contracts, submitting bills and purchase orders, projecting future expenses based on past and current budgets, and gathering and analyzing data connected to music streaming and licensing. Furthermore , it’s lot more complicated if not done right you can easily be sued . There are people who don’t ask for permission when it comes using the beat or song.

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The dark side of Fame Tue, 23 May 2023 20:35:21 +0000 The dark side of Fame

Musicians career is all about being famous . When you grow up being normal and then you become popular it can be hard on the person . They may not know how to handle it. Justin Bieber became popular at a really young age . This meant he didn’t have a normal childhood and had to grow up really fast.The music industry are always looking for a young new talent because they are easier for them to become famous. Then someone who is much older they feel.Catering to a young audience is good business for the music industry.

Justin & Billie

The dark side of Fame

With that comes with disadvantages . Justin bieber never had a normal childhood similar to Billie eilish they have to keep working because of their careers. There are advantages when it comes to money . However , the harrassment and the stalkers and the  paparazzi. You need to make sure to be careful what you post on social media making sure you don’t snapchat where you are.There have been rappers like pop smoke that have been killed because of social media they found his location on Instagram. The average person may not need to deal with this especially if they have a private account or not.

Justin Bieber gets emotional about Billie Eilish Interview 2020 – YouTube

When you become irrelevant it may seem like a good thing especially if you decided to retire for good.That doesn’t mean you will get privacy . Your business could be exposed where your children go to school your immediate family. They may not want to be in the public. Family affairs can be exposed and that can be dangerous especially because these blogs sometimes expose the city that they are at . The internet has evolve it went from seeing information about celebs on blogs , magazines . Social media has completely taken over .With people all over the world now saying how they feel about you.

Cardi  B was angry at an reporter for exposing her fathers face. She was explaining that her father doesn’t walk around with security.

Cardi B fight a reporter from latin tv show El Gordo y La Flaca – YouTube

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