Careers in the Music industry

Careers in the Music industry

Top 10 Careers in the Music Business (and How Much Money You Can Make) – Berklee Online Take Note

Musician – They sing and perform as a living. They will peform on tour , festivals .  Even weddings and parties if they get booked for it.They also sometimes write and produce their own music . A lof of musicians have writers and producers. However , they also have people creating their own dance routines. They may have a package as abrand when it comes to their Songs , Albums. Musician could also expand themselves beyond music . They can start brands and even work within the music industry as a judge on X factor.Get paid well if you become a legend.

Audio engineer – Responsible for capturing the sound and translating it in the studio . Capturing, mixing, or reproducing sound using electronic audio equipment. The field is broad, since it’s applied to music, television, film, and other media channels. If this is your passion you can pick any industry that you’re interested in . When you listen to old school music they would sometimes have special effects. Or have some sort of shout out effect in the music that you would listen to.  Audio engineers create that special unique effect. The production side has many jobs that are required to complete.


Session Musician- You can be a backup performer or perform on stage with the Musician as a helper . It can lead to a careers as a musician if done properly. However , this is good as a begineer and getting yourself out there. There have been singers that have used other upcoming musicians on their vocal .

When you listen to their Music you can tell it’s not there voice. When a new musicians is getting popular they like to use other vocalist on their music to enhance their sound more. This can create opportunities and jobs for aspiring musician.They can build a following.


Producer – Takes care of the production of the song . They sometimes have audio engineer help then with effects. They are very important in the music industry making sure the song has the right sound and beat. Not having a good beat can have an effect in how the song will translate on the chart. The views may not be as much on Youtube.Producers create a lot of value in the music busines.They need to make sure the songs sound good all the time and if it doesn’t they won’t get paid well.They can’t rely on their 9 to 5 job . It’s more about their creativity.

Songwriter – This job is good for someone who doesn’t want to be famous . Staying lowkey and making a decent amount of money. They are many different Genres, Styles , Sound that you can do . Songwriters have to write songs that can get picked by the Music industry. Their job is to write songs that can appeal to million of people all over the world. This type of job is not for everyone need to get use to getting rejected all the time . It will take a long time to make this job a career especially when you’re just starting out.

Careers in the Music industry

Behind the scenes

Artist Manager – They create opportunities for their clients whether its collaborating with other musicians . Booking them performances , they may also give them advice on what they should do.They manage their daily life and it could be 7 days a week on what they have coming up.Manager need to believe in their acts . It has to work and if it doesn’t it’s a waste of time and resources. The music industry is heading into a different route .And as a manager it’s your job to lead the way on branding and how to package yourself .  Media training on what to say on social Media or not.

Tour Manager –  They travel with bands or Musicians they manage their daily life for when they are on tour they give out information. They are very important they help them stay organize. You’re the behind-the-scenes mastermind who has hands in every piece of transportation, accommodation, scheduling, and finances of a tour. Making sure that things go smooth . Understading the business of touring is essential the business side of how many countries and which cities are the best . Is very important to know.

Careers in the Music industry

Music Teacher – They may teach music theory or even in instrument . Depending on what school you go to. Thy can help you understand the logistics behind music . The history of music. They don’t normally teach you on how to break in the music industry. It’s more like make sure you have a nice voice can play an instrument or even produce a little.They may ask you for homework make a song for the whole to perform. They will help you with connecting with other musicians.Good experience and networking for the future.

Booking agent-Booking agents facilitate a lot of the logistics around live performances, including securing concert venues, negotiating deals, arranging technical equipment, and hospitality.This can be a lucrative career if you have clients that are successful in the music industry.

In 2023 just because you have a lot of views on YouTube it doesn’t always mean people will buy tickets to come and see you perform.

They work closely with promoters just making sure that they are promoting it in the right area.This can be diffcult if you’re not good with networking . This job is important because you have to understand the capacity . Imagination when it comes to how many people can fit in the venue.

Careers in the Music industry


Music Publicist – A music publicist works closely with media outlets, marketers, and venues.Publicists ensure that their musicians’ concerts, releases, and announcements are covered by the media .  you’re work will be shown in the media . They can help take you to the next level. If you’re an upcoming musician using a publicist instead of journalist would be better because of journalism dying a little bit . People aren’t reading like that they just want quick and efficient information about an Artist.

A&R Administrator – Negotiates terms to secure rights to songs, masters tracks, delivers songs to DSPs, and ensures projects are under budget.

They take care general administrative tasks such as coordinating and maintaining contracts, submitting bills and purchase orders, projecting future expenses based on past and current budgets, and gathering and analyzing data connected to music streaming and licensing. Furthermore , it’s lot more complicated if not done right you can easily be sued . There are people who don’t ask for permission when it comes using the beat or song.

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