what skills do songwriters need – songwriters guide

what skills do songwriters need? The Songwriting Tip I Wish I Learned Sooner – YouTube What Skills Do You Need to Be a Successful Songwriter? | MusicWorld | BMI.com Discipline. The reality is that you have a long road ahead of you. Many people underestimate the journey they think its quick. The music industry is […]

how to market yourself as a songwriter

how to market yourself as a songwriter 5 Ways to ACTUALLY Promote Your Music in 2021 *FREE/LOW BUDGET* – YouTube Marketing yourself is number 1. Many young songwriters don’t think about it. Because they are trying to put out as much music as they can. And just waiting until the song blows. That is when […]

how long should songs be?

how long should songs be? How Long Should a Song Be? (5 Things to Consider) – MusicianPort   Songwriters just write. There isn’t a rule you make the decision depending on your topic. What are you trying to say? Do you need 3 minutes or  4 minutes?. Reflect on the lyrics that you are trying […]

Songwriter vs Lyricist vs Composer – Songwriters guide

songwriter vs lyricist vs composer   Songwriters come up with the lyrics they are the backbone you will remember the lyrics. For life, it’s what you will remember the most about. They are very important because they put the song together. If this is your dream make sure you research. This industry is a lot […]

Songs written by Nija Charles in 2017 2018

Songs written by Nija Charles in 2017 2018 Nija Charles is an American Songwriter that has written many hits. In 2017 2018 is when she got her start in writing for stars. She was discovered on Instagram by her work. And from then on she has been working in the industry building a name for […]

do songwriters write music or lyrics

do songwriters write music or lyrics? Songwriters share their process for writing hit music – YouTube This question is a magnitude the answer depends on the person. Some people have really good ears. And are able to write the song first. And then they are other people who write the lyrics first. Music comes from […]

How to write a good Christmas song?

How to write a good Christmas song? How To Make A Hit CHRISTMAS Pop Song (2014) – YouTube Christmas is the most beautiful time of the year. People are around their loved ones eating good food and vibes. There are so many things you can write a song about. Think about the vines of Christmas? […]