The Difficulties of being a musician?

.The Difficulties of being a musician? In the 21 first century music has evolved into a viral machine.Musicians aren’t creating albums as much as they use to.There are many singles . The experts have stop investing and developing musicians because a  lot believe there is no money in Music. The money come from the […]

Songwriters vs Producers

Songwriters vs Producers Songwriters vs Producers.Songwriters are important in making sure the song is good. The supporters always remember the lyrics of the song when the song is not playing in the background they repeat the lyrics.Producers have their own roles on putting the pieces together in a song. They are an asset they […]

TikTok vs Youtube

TikTok vs Youtube These 2 platforms serve different people.Especially for songwriters Tik tok is more of a short form content. YouTube the total opposite   . Both platforms differ when it comes to people.You  have to put in more effort for Youtube.However, none of these 2 are easy. Because you’re constantly feeding people that  […]

Is Instagram dead?

Is Instagram dead? Is Instagram dead? Instagram was created as a photo sharing app. The app was used to share what people were doing . You would see people posting pictures of their drinks. Or sometimes even their nails.People were interacting with their followers sharing where they are doing with their  friends and family […]


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