Did the rise of Technology hurt the Music industry?
Did the rise of Technology hurt the Music industry? The music industry began with people showcasing their talent at Churches , Shows . Any type of public setting where they could perform and show their talent. Some of them where not trying to be professional singers. They had passion for singing. Singing may have been […]
Music and Fashion partnership
Music and Fashion partnership Valenzio.com Music and Fashion play a major role in today’s society . Musicians could have big influence in how everybody dresses if they have good fashion sense.Kanye west created a brand called Yeezy .Furthermore , his shoes are very popular among young people . Kanye becoming a musician first and then […]
Why Musicians start businesses?
Why Musicians start businesses? Valenzio.com Musicians create a brand by becoming famous . They have reach that can reach millions of people all over the world. This means they can take advantage of it by starting brands that can becomes successful. Musicians career may not last long and starting a business could be an additional […]
What to do when you feel uninspired?
What to do when you feel uninspired? As a Songwriter , Musician , Lyricist, Poet . It’s normal to go though feeling uninspired. It’s very important to make sure that you take breaks from being a creative and exploring. People of a certain class will make you feel like you constantly have to work. The […]
Careers in the Music industry
Careers in the Music industry Top 10 Careers in the Music Business (and How Much Money You Can Make) – Berklee Online Take Note Musician – They sing and perform as a living. They will peform on tour , festivals . Even weddings and parties if they get booked for it.They also sometimes write and […]
Will Social media ever die?
Will Social media ever die? Before Social Media Before social media people would write letters to communicate with others . They had electronic message or use the cell phone but the old school one at home not a personal phone.Social media platforms like Friendster and My space led the way especially . My space changed […]
The dark side of Fame
The dark side of Fame Valenzio.com Musicians career is all about being famous . When you grow up being normal and then you become popular it can be hard on the person . They may not know how to handle it. Justin Bieber became popular at a really young age . This meant he didn’t […]
The Disney chanel era of Musicians
The Disney chanel era of Musicians The 10 Best Disney Channel Stars Turned Pop Singers | uDiscover (udiscovermusic.com) Before Social media Valenzio.com Millenials and Gen-z grew up watching Hannah Montana . The show was a young woman from a town. Who has this big opportunity to be starred in a show about a woman with […]
Music vs Film
Music vs Film Music Musicians and Actors have the unique ability to reach millions of people. Does millions of people can translate into sales if listened and watched by the right people. Their music can be used as an advertisement , promotions , endorsement , sponsorships. The right people can take it to the next […]
Why marketing is important?
Why marketing is important? Valenzio.com Marketing is important because it will attract sales to your product. You will get that trust that many brands are looking to have with their customers . When you build a relationship with a customer with marketing they will recomend your product their friends and family . Being a songwriter […]