Why people are scared to invest in themselves?
Why people are scared to invest in themselves? Why people are scared to invest in themselves .The risk that comes with investing.Has it’s own problems.Because nobody is coming to save you if it fails you.They are some people that lucky.That would help them out.If they loose especially.Alot of money.However , for the majority if they […]
How to write inspiring songs?
How to write inspiring songs? Inspiring songs can have a huge effect on someone’s life in the next 20 years.There are songs out there like Heal the world by Michael Jackson that are very powerful.That is still happenign today. Some celebrities when they see injustices in the world they want to help out as much […]
Why being a celebrity has changed?
Why being a celebrity has changed? Being a celebrity used to have status . You have to be considered in a hgiher society if you were a celebrity.People who became celebrity especially before social media needed to know someone who was famous to become famous under them . Or if they had some special talent.That […]
Why people are afraid to fail?
Why people are afraid to fail? People are afraid to fail . because they don’t want to know the full on truth about something.That they could possibly love doing.For example if someone likes to cook .And start a cooking business.And isn’t successful at selling it.It can make them feel crushed . Because they wanted to […]
How Kim kardashian brand has evolved?
How Kim kardashian brand has evolved? valenzio.com/ Kim kardashian as a teen worked in retail.And she loved fashion so it made sense for her to work there.She went to college . However dropped out . Soketiems people who drop out of school become succesful.And then other people don’t become successful. There is always a discussion […]
How Chloe and Halle Bailey brand has evolved?
How Chloe and Halle Bailey brand has evolved? valenzio.com/ Chloe and Halle bailey were both discovered by Beyonce on Youtube when they were very young. They signed to Beyonce in 2015 with Parkwood entertainment with a reported $1 million deal for six albums.Chloe was 17 and Halley was 15 so they were very young.And when […]
Does the media still hold power?
Does the media still hold power? Before social media existed people relied what was written on the newspapers , online blogs ,Radio , Magazines . It was mainly by paper or sometimes you will find things online . And also television people could discover new things on there . The media doesn’t have as much […]
Is songwriting dead?
Is songwriting dead? valenzio.com/ Songwriting is an art form traced to ancient bardic oral tradition, which has existed in various forms throughout the world. Poems would be performed as chant or song. It’s a sacred art form that let people in .Into other people world. It has become a career for many people.And they have […]
Why it’s important for songwriters to learn an instrument ?
Why it’s important for songwriters to learn an instrument ? Instruments are very essential for aspiring songwriters. Songwriters can use it to improve their songwriting skills .It will take their song to another level.One thing that established singer complain about today’s music is that.They all sound the same . The lack of creativity could be […]
Songwriters checklist
Songwriters checklist Make sure to stay motivated when it comes to writing songs.It’s very easy to get distracted because maybe the songs that you’re writing are not doing well.And you don’t feel motivated.Self motivation is very hard to have .However , with determination to write songs.You’re songwriting can get better.Understanding that this might not be […]