Is Touring dead?

Is Touring dead? Touring was a good way to perform for you’re supporters live.Musicians goal especially the ones that are passionate about music.Was to always go on tour.Going on tour all over the world.Was everything for them.They wanted to give their supporters something especial in return for always listening to their music.However , now […]

Is the film industry dead?

Is the film industry dead? The film industry makes money  through box office sales, distribution deals, and licensing for various media platforms, such as television or streaming services. Also product placements within their films and from international sales to foreign markets.People aren’t watching Tv as much as they use to . Streaming was how […]

Why do people give up?

Why do people give up? Self doubt . They don’t believe that they can actually make it. You’re mind is powerful.It can make or break how you feel. If you’re mind isn’t right it will be to difficult to believe.Some people meditate before even starting something new or even pray if they are religious. […]


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