
FloyyMenor He is very young around 19 years old.This age can be quite complicated because your still trying to find yourself.People at this time are trying t0 figure out college life.There are some rappers that become successful at a younger age.And it can be a bad thing .Especially when it happens quickly.It doesn’t allow room […]

Jelly Roll

Jelly Roll From his teenage years to his 20s he was imprisoned for most of the time.Sometimes people who become successful they always go through a lot in their life.Nothing in the lives ever go smooth.It’s almost like they have to go throgh certain things.And that sad because they shouldn’t have to go through all […]

cris mj

cris mj Cris is a 23 year old Chilean Musician.There have been genres like Afrobeats that have spoken in pidgin english and even Asake he speaks in Yoruba and look at how successful he has been.Different languages are making cross overs in the world because of the fact that Social media has boosted opportunity for […]


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