Billie jean

Billie jean

The music video and his dancing skills is absolutely impeccable it’s a lot.It showes the effort that he put in when it comes to his Music video.Michael jackson took his craft seriously.He wasn’t trying to settle for mediocrity and that why he is very successful and even in his death people are still talking about him.The success that he had made him very respected in the Music industry.When you hear his name. You will know that he is the man.And his fame was one of the most famous on the planet.And this and his dance moves are always emulated.

Right now there is a discussion about the fact that there isn’t great people like Michael jackson.That because he grew up in a different time were you had to be great to be recognise.It wasn’t easy like that before.You had to really know have connections.You had to know the person.What can we do to make great songs like this back maybe we can.Not allow people who make mediocre music successful.People who are not looking to be great record labels may have to invest in looking for long term artist that are not going anywhere and plan to become successful.

Record labels have to think about what is going to make sense . However , we know that the listeners control the market.So sometimes you don’t have that control . But you can still create a path or a lane for people who are trying to become stars.Taylor swift is not considered a star to many people . However , she’s very famous and her tours that she’s been doing has even impacted people economy.They say she boost people economy which is crazy for someone to have this much fame.But it’s not surprising because of who she is.Her career has been long and fruitful for a long time.

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