Are people putting in enough effort?

Are people putting in enough effort?

People are not putting in enough effort like they use to for many different reasons.In the social media era that we live in everyhtung has become fast.People don’t want to put in the effort to aquire things they want it fast.There was even a situation where a man got arrested because he handing out fake nursing degree. People know that nowadays becoming a nurse is a very stable career.And financially depending on where you live of course.Can really be flexible.Because it is a professional career.There has been talk on social media about people becomign nurses because of the money.And not really because of the love for the job.

They have made points in that discussion.In high school there is always a talk about stability.And picking a degree where in the long run.It will benefit you when you’re even older.That influences people decision to pick careers that they don’t necessary love.But because of the fact that people are pressured by everyone to go to university.It can make you feel like if you don’t pick the right degrree,You won’t have a career.And that can be very devastating.Many people have to make life changing decision at a very young age that can impact their future.

The age that people become when they are in high school is very young to decide for their future.They may even regret picking that degree.Because maybe they didn’t do enough research when it comes to deciding for their future whether to go to university.Or to even not go.They are many young people that are deciding not to go.There aren’t many people that put in the effort to do what they want to do.The problem is that by the time they want to put in the effort.In might be too late and would have graduated already.

People have stopped putting enough effort because in this day in age people are changing career more frequently then before.For many different reasons .On youtube you people are creating content when it comes to their career changed that they have had .And this people are still in their 20s making this huge career decision.Where they have to learn a new skill from the very beginning.People need to realise that you’re life won’t always go the way you are.The type of career tht you wanted when you were 17 years old at the age of 25 can change drastically.

They are also comparing themselves to influencers that have famous parents.And that a problem because they are not the same.Identity politics is also a problem if they share something in commonn.They build this parasocial relationship.That can end up backfiring.Most people are idolising their favourite influencers.Influencers have a lot of power when it comes to these younger people for many different reasons.They have that they admire.They want to have the same life as them.And they know that it’s not exactly easy for them to get this life.That they want.Many people feel like just because their favourite influencer was able to do it very quickly they can also do it too.

It’s very hard to put effort into things that are not becoming successful.aYpu can study very hard for an exam .And then the grade that you get doesn’t reflect to you’re best.And it can make you feel very devastationg .Because you’re not doing very well.And it can affect you a lot.People always want to see their effort that the put translate well.And people don’t want to fail.It’s very normal.Failure is part of the struggle when it comes to many people.It helps shape you as a person.Failures can make you successful especially when you learn from it.

This is a problem among young people .Because it can influence them to do things that can bring fast money.Instead of  taking their time.When you hear thing like Kylie jenner built a successful business at a very young age.It can make you feel extremely insecure.Because you’re a broke University student.University students plenty of them don’t have money.Money is a very powerful tool when it comes to people brains and how it changed.It can change the quality of you’re life.And that why many young people want wealth at a young age.Because they want to show off.

They are people who are very consistent.However , they don’t put enough effort.And it shows true their work.People always appreciate the effort.Even if you are consistent.You could not talk to the person for a while.abaut putting in the effort when it comes to making them feel special whenever you speak to them can be appreciated.There are streets in london that put int he effort when it comes to Christmas.You see lights everywhere.The aesthetic of Christmas is there.They want people to get ready for the festivities.This happens mainly during Christmas.They are many things that you can do putting in effort as an adult that can apply to you’re life.You can show up for a friend.

Mnay people don’t know how to be good friends .Because they don’t have that example in their life.When they don’t have good example.They would always expect Friends to always show up for them instead of them just doing it for their friends.Friends can he ahrd to maintain as you get older.But it is always improtant to always keep in touch especially.Friends from high school.They play an important part in you’re life.They were always there for you.So it’s important to always make sure that .The effort will then appreciated because they will see that the effort is there.

I have replaced Putting in the effort.Then working hard.In this hustle day in age culture.People have gotten influenced by the hustle culture.And they feel like.If they don’t work as hard as them.They won’t become as successful.The problem .There is a system where people feel like.They need to  make sure that .When they become successful they need to preach to young people in order to become successful they need to work hard.Putting in the effort eevn if just few hours of the week is better then saying work very hard.Because that is not true for the most part.

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