Alexandra burke
Alexandra burke
Her mother was part of a group called Soul II Soul they had an iconic song called Back to life.Alexandra first auditioned for the x factor in 2005 and she was around 16 years old.She made it to the final 7 of louis walsh .However ,she didn’t make it after.Because louis wlash felt like she was too young.She didn’t give up after she went and got professional help.To imporve herself.She then entered again in 2008 .And she was mentored by Cheryl cole . she became successful when it came to the live shows he was always going through.And performing Jackson 5 and Whitney houston songs.
Alexandra burke then met up with Mariah carey and she complimented when it came to her voice.It was quite obvious that this was someone that has a good vocie.And she is respected by other Establushed Artist.And she wasn’t perfroming small songs she was also performing Toni braxton and also and also a Beyonce song called Listen.During the final she performed with Beyonce which she is always praised when it coems to her performance because f how she was with her.And Beyonce vocla sare very strong and good.She also performed a Christmas song called Silent night and it’s very good.
When it comes to the x factor the contestants performed together on a song called Heroes and her vocie stood out very well.There is something about the x factor from 2003 to 2010.Does times x Fcator was truely iconic and it was much more extiting then before.Alexandra has 8 million votes.And it wasn’ that shocking that she received that mcuh support .Because her voice it so ncie to listen to.She signed a deal with Epic records.Her first album is called Overcome .The album went certified platinum.Whe it came to ehr direction it’svery clean and polished.And it seemed very organized when it comes to what she is suppose to be doing.
When it coems to being in the X factor it can be so complicating when it comes to being in it.There are so many thignsnthat can go wrong .That people don’t realise.People may not believ ein you or your vibe.Ad don’t really want to sign you because of it.And would rather work with someone else.She also got a contract with Dolce and Gabbana it’s crazy when it comes to the opportunity that they have gotten.They have done very well for themselves.Start with without you hs a lot of reggae vibes to it.It’s a really good song.
Alexandra burke has a different spund when she was in x factor and it’ quite good.That she tried to experiment and do different things.Becaue it would help her out a lot .When it comes to knowing what her supporters would like to hear from her.This was also her 3 number 1 single.Alexandra burkr won the x afctor at the time were facebook and myspace were mainly the soical networks that people would use.When it comes to people jduging the song right away .The onyl way that could ahve access.If they would wath televison.Because artist didn’t really liek uploading their msuic on Youtube
Alexandra burke also feature don Swizz beatz album.When it comes to Uk aritst.They sometimes have a goal to ebcome successful in America.She also signed a deal with RCA records.She wen tto a wriitng camp in Los angeles.She also took part as a guest judge on the X factor.Alexandra also performed when it comes to the Apollo they were also part of the stage Mary J. Blige, Patti LaBelle, and Jennifer Holliday.Alexandra burke found suceess when it comes to beign on the x factor.She couldhave gotten even more.Because she showcase a lot of style and star power.
There are so many reaosns why some people from the x fctor they don’t become successful and a lot of the time.It has a lot to do with the fact that.Soemtimes they don’t fit in when it comes tot eh label way of amrketing.Poeple don’t realise that .Labels want to have a reason to amrket you.If they don’t see the potential they will drop you.One dire ction came third and they becam emore successful then the ones that actually won .Which is crazy to think.The uk in general is ahrd.And the msuic industry is ahrd to ebcome succesful because of the potics behind it .There are so many things that happpen.
If you don’t do does type of things that they want .It can be really bad for you.The music that she was doing before also wasn’t as popualr the time that she was coming out a lot of people were doing Pop msuic.And that is what became popular and repsetced and that what people wanted to listen to at first.However , not evryone wants to focus on trendy msuic.They want to make music that fits their style and personality.They want to do somethings that fits them and makes them very successful
And that is what works for them.Should you follow your passion or things that are trendy.If you do things that trendy then it means that your copyign evryoen and that can be a difficult things to do.Especially if your trying to stand out in the Music industry.And how can you stand out.When it comes to everyone.Many people feel like you have to make sure that . you don’t copy people sound.And in this day in age .A lot of people are sounding like others and not doign what everyone else doesAnd peopel don’t really like that because they feel like they arenot original.
So many things can go wrong when it comes to becoming successful in the Music industry.If your not willign to sacrifice certain things because the efford that you have to put in when it comes to becoming successful it’s nto easy.There are so many things that can go wrong.Signign a reocrd deal doesn’t mean that you will be a star.Because the maybe the song doesn’t match.And if the song doesn’t match then it means that . You have to do other things like change your sound and so somethings thatyou don’t liek that much.Which means that your going to ahve to compromise.