little mix

little mix

In 2011 they auditioned as solo artist Edwards, Thirlwall, Pinnock and Nelson for the x factor in front of Louis Walsh, Gary Barlow, Tulisa and Kelly Rowland.The failed the bootcamp challengde which is quite interesting they were basically put together.Group bootcamp stage they were basically selected and the judges felt like thye were better as a group what a lot of people don’t know is that Kelly rownland put does girls together .People didn’t see the behind the scenes and were shocked when the truth came out . Kelly rownland being in a group knew what she was doing and it applied very well.

They reached the live shows and Tulisa was the one that mentored them.Going through the live shows they wre consistently impressing the judges and doing ell for themselves.Tulisa being part of a group especially Ndubs really possibly saw the potential .And it turned out very well.Super bass was a song that they performed.They made history and they were the first group in in the show’s eight-year history to progress past the seventh live show. Deceember 11 2011 they were annoucned as the winner of the group and if you look at their reaction . You can tell that they were not expecting it.

The group has become very successful.The first group that won the Uk X factor .This kind of shows how refreshing little kix were when it comes to being in a group.This is what that they clearly wanted when it comes to being in agroup.And it was 2011 when groups were still in demand Mp3 was the standard when it comes to listening to music.And the mp3 is such an interesting device because that what people were listening to their music.And also x factor people were still watching thse type of singing shows.Singing shows have lost their popularity.

They sued to be way more popular.Now it’s not.They also performed an en vogue song.Their debut song is called Wings and it did well in the Uk chart.When you look at little mix it’s not surprising that they are successful because of the fact that they were pretty young women comin ip.And also there weren’t any other women groups out there that they were young and popular.So it made quite popular.How ya doin they were featured in  a song with Missy elliot and it did quite well.The fact that they were able to break into the american market is quite good.

The american amrket is very important ti makes such a huge difference.The american amrket can open so many doors.And that why so many artist from the uk can do so much difference.Move was premiered on Bbc radio and that good way .When it comes to debuting your song do people still do that in 2025.Lowkey people don’t do that as much.Their song has gotten so much attention and this was just after winning.Some people who win the x factor they are forgotten and nobody cares about them that much.They were going on tour and doing other things us well.

At the 2015 brit award they confired that their album was finished.The goot thing about Little mix is that they didn’t rush when it comes tocreating an album whenyou win anaward show like x factor it’s very easy to get influenced when it comes to making sure that you are consistently releasing music and evrything.You can get pressured and feel like if your not uploading music.Then you will feel like your not doing that much.Andnpeople could easily forget about you.And that the end of your career and everything.For their album they have already written 100 songs. 100nsongs it’s quite crazy to ahve written.

However , when it comes to the Music industry if you really want to make this a career.You ahve to make sure that your very precise when it comes tot he Music that you release.Making music that people will like.You ahve to sacrifice your time .Now that doesn’t mean little mix wrote all of the songs.They clearly have a team of songwriters that help them out.And also the label helped them out when it comes to the decisions and makign sure thatthey write msuic that appeals to their audience.They also co wrote a song for Britney speaks called Pretty girls.

Gte weird was released in 2015.They also went on a Get weir tour and it sold 300 thousand tickets.How many people can even do this a lot of artist are not even going on tour anymore because they feel like it’s not worth it.We feel peopole perception of tour has changed because people are startign to realise that it’s not worth the price.They also recorded a song with sean paul.Little mix clearly are a group that like to try different genres R&B pop , reggae , And even collab with a Grime artist called Stormzy and it’s very interesting becasue people like to stick in their own bubble.

And nto experiment because they do not like it.Glory days was released in 2016 . 96 thousand were sold in the first and it was the highets for a girl group since the spice girls.Spcie girls are a successful group and they have made a mark fot themselves in the Music industry.Shot out to my ex is such a successul song out there.It’s a song written very well.And also it speaks volumes to a lot of women out there that have exes when it comes to it.There are some people who can’t get over their ex and it’s difficult for them and this can help them get over it.

They were featured on  a song with Nicki minaj and also Crdi b us well . Jessy lft the group and it was down to 3 .When it comes to groups they have thier own ups and dows.They don’t tend to be togther forever and that is the case.There are so many thi9ngs that can happen wehnyour in a group.Thatcan really affect it.When people are in a group they change and became people who they are not.And it can be quite tough when it comes to keeping it together when they are so many ahrdships

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