How to stay relevant?

How to stay relevant?

Staying relevant is very hard .because people are appearaing out nowhere and becoming very successful.You need to have a solid brand behind you that is being built with care.That is the only way that it can help you out when it comes to staying relevant because . There is no way that you can just do it by youreself a lot of people take pride in not asking for help and just doing their own thing.Asking for help it’s not a bad thing especially if it can help you tremendously.Asking help is good for you’re business.It can help expand you’re brand in many different areas.

Being relevant can cause people to loose focus and feel like they have achieved success.And don’t have to do it in other ways.Other ways can mean that they wouldn’t need to.For example people think that when they have achieved success.They don’t have to work as hard anymore.And that very dishonest you will still need to work very hard even when you get there.Because that where the real hardship even starts.When it comes to keeping it and everything.It’s very good that  they continue to have motivation.It’s very important because you can loose the focus on what you started.

Many people don’t realise that .Staying relevant and also building up you’re relevancy are 2 different things. There are different strategies that you would have to do for both.When it comes to building up you’re relevancy you have to find ways to conenct with other people that can put you on.And that very hard especially nowadays people don’t trust other people for many different reasons.You can’t just trust everyone.Many people feel liek they would used to get put on and that truth.You have to find creative ways that will make.It will be hard to come with ways to make yourself stand out.

Having a support system that believes in you’re craft is very important.And that the truth many people do not have the support system for amny different reasons.And that can push themselves to motivate them into doing well.The truth is that you need people that truly belive ein you so that you ca be successful and stay relevant.Kim kardashian had the strong support system of her mother .The mother is her manager and always knew her daughter was going to be famous.Her fame was build by her and mother and kim .Who understood how to market her daughter to the world.

You have to understand how to communicate with you’re audience that reflects their personality.It’s a lot more then just having talent . For example the Kardashians relevancy is also because of their personality and how they portray themselves out on television.They have  different pernality that everybody could relate to and that why people enjoyed their show.Because of how entertaining they are.Mariah carey relevancy because her unique musical talent.She completely changed the music industry.With her sound that she makes.And also Mariah carey was also brought in a different musical era.That it was all about making good music.

Mariah carey always use to sing the choruses for the rappers.She knew where she fit in the music industry.That can cause her relevancy for over 30 years.Technology has made things go quicker then  slower.Somebody else can come along and take you’re throne.The creative industry is always looking for the next big thins.Khaby lame management has made him be seen everywhere.Modelling adverts , sponsorships,Business partnerships,Cameo.His building his brand in a way that will help him in the long run.In the long run he will be able to eat of his brnad.Because he has spread himself to any creative venture.Ventures can help you be seen as the go too.

Is it worth thinking about being relevant?.In this day in age because it is so easy to be forgotten.Being forgotten is this day in age .Is very easy .It makes it even harder.Because then you would have to be even more strategic .Being strategic in this day in age doesn’t help you . It can make it difficult.Because the way it set up. You have to favour the industry.For example you need to have preferential treatment.They are people who may not agree.And then they are poeple who will agree.It’s very obvious that some people in the creative industry have preferential treatment.They may have family members that are in the industry that is giving them the plug.

You still need to keep up with having a creative mind.And always delivering new ideas to the world.It’s very important because it will help you stand out. That is ahrd to do because you can run out of ideas.And not having anything unique to bring to the word.And that why any singers they have a lot of different producers and songwriters.That will help them produce amazing music.Instead of just relaying on writing their own songs.And even using the same producer.

You need to utilize social media to the best of you’re ability.It’s not easy for everyone . Social media can take a very long time to build especially if it has established for a long time . For example Instgram has become an app that is very difficult to build now .The app has become choked.And even the founder of Instagram was saying that Instagram lost it’s soul.This is all because Instagram was trying to copy all of the other apps that were there competitors. This is soemthing that people who seek to be relevant for a long time can learn,You need to stay original.

There can be times where staying relevant in the creative industry may feel like it’s not for you.Iyt may be too much work.Or maybe feeling like you’re not able to keep up.People keep up with certain things that add value to their life.Being relevant may not add any value but press and pressure.Pressure is real when it comes to staying relevant because if you fail .You will fail in public you will be the jokes of everyone.And that can be devastating and embarrasing.You will be the jokes of Twitter. People have had move from certain countries because the humiliation was too much for them too handle

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