Why it’s important for songwriters to learn an instrument ?

Why it’s important for songwriters to learn an instrument ?

Instruments are very essential for aspiring songwriters. Songwriters can use it to improve their songwriting skills .It will take their song to another level.One thing that established singer complain about today’s music is that.They all sound the same . The lack of creativity could be that.There are people who are waking up deciding to be singers.And not because they are actually talented.And they can bring something unique to the world.Instruments can make you’re music stand out.Because you’re bring out unique melodies and sound to the table. People always take inspiration from prince who played 27 instruments.



Producers work with songwriters.Songwriters that don’t know to play an instrument. The produceers will be doing most of the work when it comes to coming up with the sounds.When they do that . It will sound like any other songwriter that they produced for.That doesn’t know how to play an instrument. Furthemore , the benfits are right there. Learning an insturment will open up you’re creativity.It can help you when you’re dealing with songwriting block.Learning an insturment can give you an idea on what type of lyrics should be about .Instruments can give you the ansers of songwriting.Sounds are powerful they can tell a story that you didn’t realise.

The sounds of instruments are powerful that why people go out to pay to hear pianist play.If you’re good at what you do.People will surely pay.People think you have to be able to know how to sing or dance.However , if you’re good at what you do people won’t even realise.Instruments are very good because it makes the song sound more intimite.whenever you hear an instrument playing on a song .It sounds more real.It also sound liek the songwriter put a lot of effort into their song.For example Alicia keys . Alot of her music videos you see her playing the instrument .And it always sounds raw and real.

Songwriters need to create their own trends. Not follow them but actually create them. When you’re learning an instrument you have to think about the unique sound that you have to make.The truth about being a songwriter is that people will copy you and not take inspiration.People will claim that they are taking inspiration . But they are actually copying which many writers and producers do . Comign up with something from scratch nowadays is least likely.More than likely someone has created that sound already. There aren’t many unique sounds.

Songwriters are students that have to keep learning.It doesn’t stop.You don’t have to be too young or too old to learn how to play an istrument.You can do it at any age.You have to make sure that you’re mentally ready to learn an instrument because you have to commit yourself in practising.You don’t just 1 class.Or watch a Youtube video.And think that you don’t have to practice.You will need to practice to make sure that . You can play an instrument many songwriters don’t play instrument because there is a lot of time that you have to put in.In order to know how to play instruments.And many people can’t be bothered.

The music industry right now there is a lack of creativity when it comes to the music and the video.People need soemthing that will catch their attention.And songwriters can use learning an instrument an opportunity to catch the attention of the music industry.This is a good time for someone who wants to bring something new to the table.Bring in something new right now.Because executives are desperate to create stars which they are having a hard time creating.Because the music industry is focused on creating 2 seconds stars who’s career won’t last even for a year before they are forgotten.

It will help you save money when it comes to hiring producers.You might even want to be a producer after this.You could find passion for this and want to learn how to create you’re own beats.With the instruments that you started learning.Melodies sound better for producers when they know how to play an instrument. Songwriters have an advantage if they want to become producers.It will  make it easier when making beats if they know how to play instruments. Producers have one of the hardest jobs.They have to make the song sound appealing to listeners which can be a hit or a pass.

You can work very hard on a song .However , if it’s not received well then it’s a waste of time.The msuci industry is a business.Business can be dirty.People will do anything in making sure that you become blacklisted if you don’t do what they do.People who are in the music business .Are thinking about the money.How much money they can ake of a song?.The beat that you make has to be life changing for the singer.The beat is very improtant it can make or break a song .

People who learn instruments are normally very creative .They can also get producers credit.Which is a normal form of income .Basically extra income for the songwriter.There isn’t any money in the music industry.Songwriters need to find ways to make money.Producing can be another way.It can be good for songwriters to dabble into producing because of that.Many people will say that it’s not good to do things if there is no passion and strictly for the money.However , passion is a waste of time you need talent more.Talent will beat all odds.If you don’t have the talent it will be difficult to succed in the end.

If you plan on being a singer us well .Knowing how to play an instrument can help you with your vocals.It may seem like it doesn’t.Instrument have their own vocals and melodies and chords that they use.That singers us well. You can use it as a practice.playing an instrument and singing can give you discipline when it comes to you’re voice.Playing an instrument and singing is very hard.You’re focusing on making sure that you get they keys right on the piano.And also you’re voice it’s a skills that many people don’t have.In order to have that you need to make sure you’re practising all the time.

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