New year resolutions for every Songwriter to have

New year resolutions for every Songwriter to have

New year resolution are very important for all writers to have.Because they will help you stay focused.Being focused is very important.Sometimes life gets in the way and you loose the focus and the motivation to move forward with you’re goal.It’s important to always to always have resolution that can make you want it.When you see the end goal.It will make you want it even more.Songwriters always have to improve their craft.The music industry is a tough crowd.There are people who think that .It’s the worst time in history to become a songwriters because of lack of talent

Have a schedule of when you want to write songs.Being organized is important when it comes to being a songwriter it will help you out in the long run.It will motivate you in putting the effort in .When writing songs.You need motivation when practiising.So having a schedule will make you’re brain realise that you can’t slack.And you need to gte it together so that you’re able to write good songs.Scheduling means you’re being disciplined.Becoming disciplined when writing songs in a week is very important.If you don’t have discipline you will never be able to improve.

Starting a Youtube channel.Out of all of the social media .Platforms like Youtube are very powerful when it comes to the reach that you can get.On a specific niche.You can make videos about any content .And then later on introduce you’re audience to you’re songwriting skills .Using the song in the background .Make sure sure that any song that you use.Is in correlation with the videos that you make.Is a good marketing tool.Spinsors could see the video that yo made with the song that you wrote about it.And would want to use it for their advert.It will make you ahead of the game .

Don’t be scared to ask for help.The industry can he hard to navigate.There are so many people on Youtube telling you on the bst thing to do for you’re career.However it’s not always clear.And this people don’t personally know you’re scenario and who you are.Platforms like Twitter or even Quora  are a good platforms.That you can ask questions .And they can give you an answer.Quora has experts .And twitter may everyday people that could plug you.Or even when you’re creating you’re twitter account.And they are asking you for interest be very specific . So that the right tweets appear on you’re homepage.

Make small goals every.Even when you don’t achieve.Move on to the next goal.Every writers has their breakthrough that they will have . Only a few writers will become succesful.And that the truth because the music industry is very selective.They are songs that they pick.That might never come out.Unless you have stablshed yourself as a writer.Or even have a relationship with the musician.Musicians and writers having a work relationship is essential.If there’s chemistry.The  writer songs will always be picked.Making sure that you build a work relationship with the writer.And both of you can actually create magic together is very important.

Try and learn an instrument.It will help you write better melodies.It will imprve the way you’re lyrics flow within the melody.Learning an instrument is essential because you won’t have the same flow.If you know how to play an insturment.You will always know what key to use on the piano.If you don’t learn an insturment and you don’t have an ear for music.You’re lyrics and melody will always sound the same .You won’t hear a lot of originality.And that what some musicians can lack.Is originality.People can easily get bored of you’re music.And you need to make sure that you’re not making the same music all over again.

Make sure to read as many books as you can.People underestimate reading at time for writers.It can improve the story that you’re writing the song about.And even the vocabulary.Reading can help improve the way .You structure sentences.People want to hear lyrics that can stay on their mind for the whole day.It has to be remebered .And reading books could help with that.And it can be any books that you read.It doesn’t have to be about songwriting specifically.Songwriters can also increase their knowledge.When you listen to hip hop rappers sometimes they throw in knowledge for the listeners.To listen to.

Don’t write songs everyday or else you will burn out.Make sure to take breaks from songwriting.Make that as anew year rsolution sometimes people get caught up in the hustle culture and feel like they are not working as hard.And they need to do something everyday .But as long as you’re doing something at least once a week for a few hours.You’re improving.And way ahead of someone who’s ding nothing.People write songs everyday and they think that they will imporve faster.Sometimes they even watch their favourite motivational speakers that will tell them to rise and grind.And that they need to wake up at a certain time.

Be inspired.It’s very important for writers to open up their creativity.They constantly have to find inspiration from somewhere.This just means you have to go out to places and see the world got to different cities, try different restaurant, read different books.They can help you out.When it comes to making sure that you’re writing skills are evolving .Michael jackson videos where always very unique and different.And they always had a message behind it.Scream by Michael and Janet had a lot of the media stories when it comes to both musicians.In the lyrics .

Make sure to send you’re music to important people in the music industry .Using Twitter Instagram .They are the platforms where they tend to find talent on there.Don’t give up.If they ignore or even click on you’re DM.Just make sure that .Furthemore , you can improve on making sure that you become.The best writer ever.Many people don’t ever become successful in their writing skills.Because they are not focused enough on that.But they are more focused on getting placements.Placements is what songwriters are always chasing for.However , if you don’t have the writing skills people won’t hire you for their services.

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