is doing covers on Youtube effective?

is doing covers on Youtube effective?

Making covers on Youtube about popular artist is effective . However , when you become popular of that one cover . When you release original music it will be hard to get the same numbers. Musicians release covers for years with no attention . And then it happens changes your life. If you don’t have a strcture on your original music . It can easily fail.Furthemore , people attention span goes away very quickly. Internet has allowed us access too many different artists.Competition making it hard to stand out. Music industry used to be more exclusive.Soundcloud and Youtube, Lyrical lemonade are a game changer.

is doing covers on Youtube effective?

Soundcloud&Youtube&Lyrical lemonade

3 platforms created a whole new sound and vibe.Lyrical lemonade is owned by Cole bennet.And he had on his platform rappers that became very successful.Also he started at the right time which helped him become successful. Emerging soundclous era . And then lyrical lemonade combination.Youtube has influence in the way we listen to music. People don’t watch tv as much . Soundcloud had a rap era. Young rappers were making music that was different from mainstream. Furthemore , they started getting called soundcloud rappers.Soundcloud helped them get popular and make a name for themselves.

Established musicians make samples of old school music. And make it into a new era. Also people compain about music sounding the same. Sampling music can cause music too sound the same . If there is too much influence in it. Inspiration is good. However , too copy the sound vibe . That can be difficult to have breakthrough.Musicians are struggling to stay consistent on making good music.It’s hard for them

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