The Disney chanel era of Musicians

The Disney chanel era of Musicians

The 10 Best Disney Channel Stars Turned Pop Singers | uDiscover (

Before Social media

Millenials and Gen-z grew up watching Hannah Montana . The show was a young woman from a town. Who has this big opportunity to be starred in a show about a woman with a double life.Miley cyrus at that time was about 12 years old when Hannah Montana premiered. She is born in 1992. Many people from that year could relate and watch because people were watching disney channel. This was before social media took over . Millenials and Gen-z were watching it religiously .

During does time disney channel would scout for young people for their upcoming Tv shows or even Movies. They were always looking for the next new talent . During then they were always looking for an everyday person to be featured in their programs.Many young people could relate to the everyday person . The different characters that they would have in does programs was always interesting. Targeting young people in the mid 2000’s was a good idea because that what made sense. Hannah montana character was age appropriate for her character sometimes when watching movies they cast people older then the character.

The feeling of watching  show of a young person in similar ages to you made people want to be them. The mid 2000’s becoming an actress you needed to have talent . They would never give you the job if you didn’t know how to do the job. There wasn’t a social media presence during does time you couldn’t show your talent on Tik Tok , You Tube or Twitter . Just by destiny if you walk some where and if you see auditions happening for a role . Or if you happen to be in the right location . Parents of disney starts when they know their children want to be actors they do their own individual research . Whereas in today young people of  today are going viral.

The Disney chanel era of Musicians

Disney Movies

High school musical was movie about young people with different dreams and personalities . They all come from different social class and family struggles . The movie was successful because of the different personality a young person could relate to one character. The gen-z that were was watching when it was released was around 7 and 9 because gen -z ranges from 1997-2012 . High school musical 1 released in January 2006 young people who have never been to high school didn’t know what know to expect and watching this movie they thought this was going to be . The excitement of watching it as a kid was interesting

Camp rock was released right after High school Musical it’s very different from High school musical. It has the Jonas Brothers and also Demi Lovato . They were all very young . Disney channel always preferred younger people for their young audience that watches their channel . Movies like Cheetah girl has different races and ethnicity and shapes and many a lot of younger women relate to what they were watching . Disney channel always made sure to make movies that were relatable to everyday people Cheetah girls,Camp rock are good examples . In the camp rock movies Demi lovato was lying about her family social class to fit in.

From Disney channel to Musician

Miley cyrus went from Disney to making movies . And then becoming a succesful musician . Many of the disney channel starts from the mid 200s and little bit later turned their careers into a musician . Demi Lovato , Selena Gomez , Christina Aguilera  , Justin Timberlake , Britney Spears,Vanessa Hudgens , Ariana Grande came from Nickelodeon . However , they all used Tv channels to become successful musicians that has all changed now in the 21 century . Becoming an actor isn’t as respected as it use to . what caused it?

The Disney chanel era of Musicians

Did the rise of Social Media affect Disney?

Tik Tok is a short video content platform. Creators can be creative with anything . Tik Tok want people on there to become successful so they drive views quickly compared to other platforms. Disney channel you need to have an interesting show for it to become successful they can’t drive traffic without doing the media tour work of advertisement and promotion. Influencers like Khaby Lame have been able to become successful on the platform without saying anything almost what Mr Bean does .

He didn’t have to auditon for a show hoping it will get picked up. All he did was upload consistently on Tik Tok . These platforms may sometimes use influencers on their shows or movies and it can be a good business model . However , they need to be able to talented at their craft.And not just because they have followers on Tik Tok.If Disney channel was to revive their platform they need to go back to their roots looking at everyday people without their social media presence and just seeing their talent.Miley Cyrus and Demi lovato were good Actors and Musicians they need to look into that strategy again.

Disney channel need to Evolve?

Disney channel have their own streaming platform which is a good way to keep with this new generation. Because they do not watch Tv as much the generation before.The old model of auditions and looking for talent need to continue . However, many people in their 20s feel like there isn’t always a show catered to them . There so many shows and cartoons and movies for children and also Teens 30s and 40s.But for people who graduated college or even who didn’t there isn’t many tv shows or even movies based on that.

Making a movies about a young woman in her 20s trying to find herself . Is a good story line . The 20s are not that far away from being a teen and there are people who hate being in their 20s.They feel like their love life or even career isn’t where it suppose to be. They can be  a disney movie about that making sure they cast someone in their 20s that isn’t an influencer but an everyday person. Watching influencers on disney platforms may not always be the best approach. They have to relate the character beginnings as a normal person becoming succesful.

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