Why do upcoming musicians fail?

Why do upcoming musicians fail?

The music industry for women ageism is a problem. Because their fanbase have gotten older and may not be interested as much. When they were younger, they could cultivate a younger audience. To support and buy their music. As they get older their music may not be as good, other young people are coming in and there is also a shift. The music that they created during that era may not be what they want anymore. And that could be difficult to transition to especially when you’re so used to that sound.

The type of music in 2022 is different from the 90s . There are many young musicians who try to emulate the 90s sound in today’s music. However, that doesn’t always work. The music is better when it’s a different sound many people praise Chloe and Halle music for being unique and not following what everybody else is doing. This type of formula may work for a ton of artist if the music is good. Tik Tok has also played a part in musicians are blowing off one song that became popular. It’s not always a good thing because can they always sustain it.

Why do upcoming musicians fail?

When you become a musicians, you have catalog of music that you have written or produced by somebody else . That why many musicians back in the early 2000’s would always release a song in anticipation of their album coming and everybody would listen to their album, and it would become successful for example Ashanti Ashanti (album) – Wikipedia . Her single was wildly successful. In today’s many people just release a quick single hoping it will blow on Tik Tok and change their careers. Which can be a big risk especially if their song was a big hit . It can be difficult .

In conclusion musicians fail because they have no plan . The musicians back in the day had a plan.

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